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Allison's p.o.v

I woke up and it was 7:30. Shit I slept in. I got dressed and ate quickly. I then got on the bus

My first day back to school did not start well.  Julia was acting like a bitch all day because she was jealous. I just went along my day and tried to ignore her. On the bright side I made a new friend. Her name was Alexis Smith. We are hanging out after school. Daniel was going to drive Alexis and I to my house. I was looking at the clock in my Foods class. Today we made Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins. I put the ones I made into my container and then into my backpack. Finally the bell rang. I went to my locker and grabbed everything. Today I am going to meet Ashton's mom and siblings. They are staying in L.A with us for a week. We were picking them up at 5 after we drop Alexis off at 4:30. I really missed Daniel while I was on suspension and in the UK. He was coming tonight We got into Daniel's car and I kissed him before he left.

Alexis: Ok let's go in!

- They walk inside-

Ashton: Hello I'm Ashton!

Luke: I'm Luke!

Alexis: Hi I'm Alexis! Can I get a picture!

- She takes a picture without their permission-

Allison: Ok Alexis let's go to my room.

- They go to her room-

Alexis: WOW!

Allison: Yep.

Alexis: Is this your dog?

Allison: Yes his name is Thomas.

Alexis: He's so cute!

Allison Thanks.

Alexis: I want to go back downstairs and meet your other 2 uncles.

Allison: Sorry you can't they are in the recording studio.

Alexis: So what? Let's go in!

Allison: I'm not sure if they want you to her their music yet. They are recording for the new album.

Alexis: Please Allison!

Cal stop recording my friend wants to come in and I don't want your music to be leaked - Ali

Ok -Calum

Allison: Lets go in.

- They walk in and Alexis introduces herself to them-

Alexis: Allison I need to go home right now.

Allison: Well sorry Ashton and Luke are busy and I can't drive yet.

Alexis: Like now Ali.

Allison: Ok just stay in my room.

- She runs downstairs with tears in her eyes and finds Ashton and Luke-

Ashton: Allison whats wrong?

Allison: I can say she might hear me just please drive her home.

Ashton: Ok.

- Allison walks into her room to see Alexis's hands around  Thomas's neck. She then grabs something off the nightstand 

Allison: What are you doing with my mp3?

Alexis: Oh I accidentally bumped into your nightstand and it fell so I was picking it up.

Allison: Ok.

- Thomas starts to cough-

Allison: Thomas whats wrong?

- She picks up the dog and Alexis looks annoyed-

Alexis: So what did Ashton say?

Allison: Oh yeah let's go.

- They get into the car and drive her home-

Alexis: This is it.

- They pull up to her house and then she says goodbye to Ashton but not Allison-

Ashton: Ok Allison what's wrong?

Allison: She's using me to get to you dad. When we got home all she wanted to do is get a picture with you guys. I had to text Calum to stop recording just so we can go in there and not get your music leaked. When I went back upstairs to tell her that we can go she was holding Thomas by hid neck. I walked in an she was about to take my mp3. I told her you were busy so you couldn't drive you home bus she didn't care. What do I do tomorrow morning when I see her in class tomorrow? 

Ashton: Don't pay attention to her.

Allison: Ok. Anyway what time is grandma coming?

Ashton: In 20 minutes.

- They get to the airport and wait for them to arrive-

Grandma: Omg! Hello Ashy!

Ashton: Mom.

Mom  I'm your mom Ashy. I have full rights to embarrass you! You must be Allison!

Allison: Hello Anne!

Anne: You can call me grandma!

Allison: Ok. Hey guys. I guess I'm your niece.

Lauren: Since we are the same age and I am only 5 months older than you We can just act like sisters.

Harry: Yeah plus you are older than me.

Anne: I'm hungry.

- They get into Ashton's car and then drive to Daniel's-

Allison: Hey babe!

- Hey sits beside Allison in the car and kisses her-

Anne: You must be my grand daughters boyfriend.

Daniel: Hello! I'm Daniel.

- They arrive to the resturant and then find a place in the back-

Grandma: So Ali tell me about yourself.

Allison: Well I am 16, I like to sing, dance and skateboard. I also love to travel.

Grandma: Awesome!

- They eat supper and then go home-

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