Back To School

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Allison's p.o.v

Today was my first day back to school since I have been kidnapped. Today I really wanted to blend in because everyone would be asking me about being kidnapped and what happened. The last time I was at school was the day before Christmas break. I got ready for school and went downstairs. I made myself toast and a smoothie. Everyone was up but Michael. Dad was still surprised that I was having twins. I sat down at the table and then Luke asked me about the names of my kids.

Allison: Well Elizabeth is my mom's name and Alexander Caleb's middle name is also Noah's middle name.

Luke: Ok.

After breakfast I grabbed my backpack and waited outside for the bus. When it arrived I got on and was getting looks from people. Of course Emma was being a typical bitch and laughing at me. She then also called me fat. I ignored her and sat at my seat on the bus. I talked to the girls and waited until we got to the school. I have 3 weeks and a half of homework to catch up on. Once the bell rang we went to English. Mia, Alexis, Emma and their group stopped us and insulted me. I walked past them and went to class. Hate doesn't bother me anymore especially from them. I grabbed my work and began to work on it. In fashion all we did was make clothes so it was only English and Foods Class I had to catch up on. Today in English it was a catch up day so I was able to write my test that I missed. The majority of the period was spent doing the test. Once it was finished and I handed it in I worked on other work. When the period ended my friends went to gym while I went to Fashion. I cut put the fabric to make he clothes last night so all I had to do was sew it. I could finally make girl and boy clothes instead of gender neutral. I finished the clothes quickly and handed them in. Since I finished I was able to study for my foods test at lunch. I went on my phone and saw a notification for instagram. I then saw a video of Noah and Mia making out behind the school. The whole school was seeing the video. I grabbed my stuff and ran out of class. My teacher tried to  stop me from leaving and asking what was wrong but I just left. I ran down the hall into the bathroom. It was empty luckily. I sat on the floor and cried. I then heard the door open it was Mia. 

Allison: What the fuck is wrong with you?

Mia: What?

Allison: You know what you did stop playing innocent.

Mia: Well Noah is stressed because you are putting all of this pressure on him to be a dad to children that are not even his own.

Allison: Noah told he he wanted to. If he didn't he would of left me sooner.

Mia: Well he needed a break from you so he came to me

Allison: Whatever. I left the bathroom and called my dad to see if he could pick me up. He asked me what was wrong but i didn't want to discuss it over the phone. He said that I have to go in at lunch to write the test and then he would pick me up. I checked my phone and I started getting texts from everyone. I answered them and then shut my phone off. The bell was about to ring for lunch so I went to do my test. It was easy. In half an hour I finished the test. I called my dad and he said he would be there in 20 minutes. I walked out to the parking lot and saw Noah sitting there alone. I tried to avoid him but he saw me.

Noah: Hey Ali!

Allison: If you don't want to be with me anymore then just leave.

Noah: Why would I want to leave you?

Allison: Are you serious?!

Noah: Ali yes I kissed her but I can't tell you why.

Allison: What do you mean?

Noah: I promise you. Yes I kissed her but if I tell you it will affect the four of us.

Allison: Well I guess it is just the three of us now.

I walked away and saw my dad pull up in the parking lot. I got in and was now being questioned.

Ashton: Ali what happened?

Allison: Mya posted a video of her and Noah kissing today. He cheated on me and when I confronted him about it he said he said that he kissed her but if he didn't it would affect Caleb., Everleigh, him and I.

Ashton: Where is he?

Allison: Why?

Ashton: I am going to fucking kill that dick.

Allison: Dad please leave him alone. I broke up with him already.

Ashton: Fine but if he bothers you again don't expect me to sit back and let this happen.

Allison: Ok.

I went back inside to see the boys all on the couch. They all hugged me and then I went to my room. In a week tour started so I decided to pack. I'm not sure on the road if I would be able to make my weekly videos but I would try my best. I had one suitcase packed and I put it downstairs.

Noah's p.o.v

I was really scared. Allison leave in less then a week and she thinks I cheated on her. What really happened was that when I got to school I was grabbed and pulled behind the school. There Mia and her group was holding a camera. Then the 2 guys that grabbed me held a knife to my throat. Mia said if I did not make out with her she would kill Allison or kids and I. I obviously didn't want anyone to die so I made out with her. I didn't know that she would show the whole school. After everyone found out she threw the camera into the garbage. I pulled it out and I have the evidence of me being told to kiss her and the knife. I needed to be alone with Allison but if I went to her house then her dad, uncles and brother would kill me. I have to come up with a plan by tomorrow.

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