Prenatal Appointment

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Allison's p.o.v

Right now I had a prenatal appointment. I was going to find out how long I am and the due date of my baby. Dad and I walked into the the office and waited for my name to be called.

Doctor Helaki: Allison?

We stood up and walked into the room. 

Doctor Helaki: Hello Allison. My name is Doctor Helaki.  ( Hell-auk-e).

Allison: Hi.

Doctor Helaki: So first I take your blood sugar.

The doctor did all of the things she had to do and then she told me that we would do an ultrasound. While she was getting everything set up. She then asked my dad to leave. After 2 minutes she started. She said the heartbeat and everything was fine. The baba was completely healthy. I was then told that I was I was 8 weeks long and my due date was July 10th. I then was given ultrasound pictures. Once we left I had to go to work. Danielle took the day off so I was closing by myself. It was 1:45. I got in my uniform and then we left. I worked from two to five.

Ashton: I'll pick you up at 5:00AM.

Allison: Ok.

I got out of the car and walked inside. Cierra's shift was almost over. The owners changed the closing schedule last night so I had to follow it. Right now I was just serving customers and doing dishes. After there was no one in the store I decided to start cleaning the bathroom. I grabbed the cleaning products from underneath the sink and started to clean. Once I finished cleaning them I went back out to the front. I then served the customers entering the store. They bought their food and at down.


I grabbed the garbage bag and went outside to throw it out. After that I locked the doors and got into the car.

Ashton: Hey how was work?

Allison: It was fine.

Ashton: That's good. Oh we got pizza and we have to pick it up.

Allison: Ok.

We got to the pizza place and paid for the food. After that we went home and ate. After supper I was really tired so I went to bed.

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