Ch. 1

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~hi yall! so if some of you arent familiar with the movie pan, it is basically the story of peter pan  before he became Neverland's main lost boy and captain hook greatest enemy. Levi Miller stars as Peter, and i think its so adorable that i HAD to write a story on it. Unfortunately i will be skipping through certain parts. I will start when hook, smee, an peter meet the neverbirds. Anyways, enjoy!~

Peter's Pov.

Hook, Smee, and I sat around a campfire in silence. 

We had just stolen a flying pirate ship from Blackbeard, but crashed when hook tried to fly us off the island. 

It was quiet as Smee tried to tend to the fire but ended up messing up the logs, when I finally spoke up to break the silence

 "Are you an orphan?" I asked to Hook.

 "My mom left me when I was young" he replied with his slightly scratchy voice, 

"Do you remember her?" I pushed on. 

He paused for a moment trying to think of what to say, "I'm not wasting tears missing someone who doesn't miss me."

 I place a comforting hand on Hook's shoulder and says "what if she does? How could you know?"

 Smee then decides to chirp in, "do you really think your mums here?"

 "Well she left me  not saying-" I began but was then cut off by Hook

 "oh wow she left you a note, sure." The two of us begin to banter when suddenly an odd noise echoed through the forest, Hook slapped a hand over my mouth to keep me from saying anything. 

"Stop talking" Hook whispers, "...did you hear that?" 

He asked once the noise stopped.

 Smee looked terrified, "It was a deafening nightmare shriek, how could anyone not of-" 

he was cut off by a tree snap. we all looked around afraid of what might happen next. Then as if to answer our nightmares, a large feather floated to the floor in front of us. Slowly we look up to see a giant bird with big bright colorful feathers, googly eyes and it was essentially just a moving skeleton. There was no skin or feathers covering any part of its body. There were only feathers by the wings, the bird screeched at us and we shouted and ran. 

"THAT'S A FREAKING NEVERBIRD!" Hook shouted as he led the way,

 "We'll loose them in the mist!" Hook led us into a misty area that was so thick that it was impossible to see anything a foot in front of you.

 I ran side by side with Smee, but then a Neverbird picked him up from the ground and flew off. I called out his name as an instinct even though I knew that wouldn't help anyone, but I kept on running. Faster and faster, I did not want to become these creatures lunch. I stopped to take a breath and found Hook,

 "Hook! They got Smee!" I called out, 

Hook straightened up from a crouching position and looked around "no" he muttered. 

Suddenly a Neverbird came crashing into view all tied up with ropes, it gave a small squawk of defeat. Hook and I look around confused when there was a horrible crunch that echoed and Smee came falling to the floor with no Neverbird. He fell straight of his stomach, groaning he rolled over to look at us, 

"hey" he said casually.

 When Smee stood up, we all looked around to see what was happening but couldn't see anything or one. Swiftly, a girl jumped form on tree to another grabbing a vine in the process. She swung on it then flipped off landing perfectly in front of us ON HER FEET. She had long/short f/c ((favorite color)) hair that was up in a braid, dark red eye shadow that seemed to be smeared to the sides of her face, which brought out her beautiful e/c ((eye color)) eyes. Her clothes were various patches of colors that created a tight fitted shirt and skirt, she wore pieces of what looked like the skull of a Neverbird on her shoulders for protection and pants under the skirt that matches her hair. She held several different weapons as well, a rope looped around her waist to make it look like a belt but it was obvious that was not the case, a pirate sword that was painted over with blotches of paint was attached to her back, multiple balls of metal hung across her chest, and she was holding a Khopesh Sword. The girl looked at us in a curious way, and may I might add she was gorgeous! She tilted her head to the side slightly, then Hook stepped forward with his hands up in surrender.

 "Hi there young lady we come in peace-" 

out of nowhere, the girl swung the side of the Kopesh sword hitting Hook in the head. he crumbled to the floor unconscious, 

"woah" I breathed speechless "who are you?"

The girl smiled.


~and CUT! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I am sorry in advanced for the late updates I just don't have the time to update as much as I want to. Anyways here's some after ch. questions!

1) how did you like this?

2) what would you like me to change or add?

3) any ideas for the plot or plot twists?

4) how do you like the choice of your "warrior" outfit?

5) ready for the next chapter?

Ok that's all the questions for now, hope you enjoyed it and I will try to update soon! <3

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