Ch. 5 (A/N at the end, Please Read)

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~Warning: Curse word at the end~

Peter's Pov.

I dont know what happened the other day, but since then Y/n has been ignoring me more than usual. I dont understand why though, is it because Natives are supposed to hide there feeling and she broke a rule or something?

Y/n Pov.

I can't believe he caught me like that, I was so stupid to even think that I could try and welcome him into the tribe because all he does is snoop around in other people's business. So today I am going to completely ignore him, talk to Tiger Lily, then probably go train for the rest of the day.


"Hey Lily!"

I call out to her before she was able to walk into her tent,

"Can we talk?"

Tiger Lily walks up to me and just nods before beckoning me to follow her to the Story Telling Trunk. Once we got there, she had a smile on her face and said

"I had a feeling you would want to talk about a certain person, so lets get to it."

She waved her hand over the trunk and the trunk suddenly came to life and begun to show a story:

Years ago there was a fairy prince that fell in love with a human girl who was a prisoner to Blackbeard. The two of them became a couple and wanted a child, so the prince gave up his life for the love of his life to have a child. Blackbeard heard about the child and was furious, he killed the mother but he was not soon enough to kill the child. The child was already born and sent to an orphanage, before Blackbeard was able to get his filthy hands on the baby boy. Meanwhile at the same time, a baby girl/boy was born in the Native tribe. This tribe had sworn their life to protect the fairies from the start, and this newborn was supposedly going to be the Great Protector of the baby boy that was half fairy. The two children held a magical bond that made sure they would meet, and it will be the Warrior's duty and responsibility to protect the boy. They may become friends when the time is right, they may become something more or worse. That is their decision, but whats not is the two will have to face Blackbeard in a final fight. Based on how the Warrior and the Half-Prince get along just might determine if they will win, loose, or live.

Then the tree trunk fell silent. Tiger Lily and I were quiet for a while when I finally said

"Well shit."

~Just a reminder guys that requests are open for the next upcoming chapters! so plz comment an idea of an event that you would like to see happen with Peter and Y/n. I will say one thing tho, im not a smut writer. i dont write that type of stuff, so im sorry in advanced if that is one of your requests and i dont do it. ANYWAYS, thank you so much for reading this fanfiction! i hope you enjoyed it, and as always plz make sure to comment and vote on this story, and once your done come on over and check out my other fanfic! Alright, i hope to update soon. PEACE! <3~

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