Ch. 4

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~WARNING: there will be a curse word or 2 in this pt~

Peter's Pov.

Slowly the Natives pulled their spears back and one hoisted me up, I looked over at Y/n again only to find her shocked face. Quickly she turns around, grabs a rope, and swung away.


Later on that day, I saw Y/n walking with Tiger Lily. But when I tried to approach her, she quickly leads Tiger Lily somewhere else. 'I just dont get it, is there something that I said or did?' I thought sadly as I walked back to my tent.

Y/n Pov.

"I am not kneeling down to this kid until we know for sure that he is the chosen one" 

I say firmly. I had to admit that I was crushing on Peter, but sadly I could let that cloud my trust with him.

"You don't have to, all I'm saying is give this kid a bit of respect. That's all." Tiger Lily argued, "Besides I know your crushing on him. You haven't acted this distant, since last time."

I shot her a look before quickly walking to my tent, I didn't need a reminder that I fell in love with a pirate once and had to watch him die in front of me because I let him into the tribe. When I got into my tent I flopped onto my hammock and looked up at the ceiling before falling into sleep...


"Don't kill him! Please!"

I begged as I struggled against the grip of pirates. 

"Why not? You let me die."

The pirate that was holding a gun to Peter's head said. Only then did I realize who the pirate was. Garrick. The pirate that I loved a long time ago. The pirate that was killed in front of me.

"I never wanted any of that to happen!"

I cried out, but he ignored me. Instead Garrick looked me dead in the eyes, and with a smile he shot Peter in the head.


I was shaken awake by someone. That someone was Peter.

"Y/n wake up! Are you ok?" He asks

I shot up and looked at him for a second, "wait, why are you here?"

"I was going to come and see if you want to hang out except I found you in the middle of a nightmare."

I groaned before fully sitting up, why did he have to come and see if I was ok? I mean it was like something from a movie.

"I'm fine"

I reply softer than usual, he looked at me with concern. 'Fuck, he can see my soft side.' I thought frantically. I stood up and went to a corner part of my tent where stones lay, I picked one up and began to sharpen a dagger. Suddenly I felt a soft hand on my shoulder, Peter turned me around and wrapped me in a protective hug.

"It's ok, you don't have to hide your feelings."

Then before I knew it I hugged him back and we stayed like this for quite some time. 'Shit, I am falling for this Lost Boy hard.' I thought with a sigh.

~hope you guys liked the first "off script" pt of the story!!! let me know in the comments what you thought and what you want me to change! ok luv u all bye!!! <3~

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