Ch. 7

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Peter's Pov.

I don't know what happened to sour-wolf Y/n, ((TEEN WOLF FAM WHERE U AT!?)) but I'm enjoying this so much. She is always coming up to me and being social, taking time out of her way to hang out with me, and overall just being really nice. Yesterday she actually helped me start flying, it was a blast! I loved it so much! The way she kept on saying encouraging things to me and helping me up when I fell made me crush on her harder. Finally at then end when she gave me a hug, I melted. It felt like all the problems in the world washed away and I was safe. I never wanted to let go, but apparently she did. As soon as Y/n released the hug it was like all the problems in the world came crashing back down. I looked up at her and quickly tried to cover up my sadness, then went on with my day.

Now I was talking my daily walk around the Natives' territory, when I saw Y/n training in the arena. I hid behind one of the near-by curtains before she was able to see me. She was throwing these random, crazy, and awesome moves all over the place like it was nothing. Suddenly she jumped onto the trampoline, did a flip, grabbed on to a string of rope, swung to the other side of the arena, flipped off the rope and in midair she threw three of her daggers, and all three of them hit the target directly in the middle while she landed perfectly on her feet.

My jaw dropped, I was so stunned that I didnt even notice that I walked out of my hiding spot.


Y/n Pov.


I ask confused, I was training when I turn around and I see him staring at me like I had six heads....well I hope I dont anyway. Peter shook his head like he was snapping out of a trance, it was cute. He began to studder and I just laughed

"How did you learn how to do that?"

He managed to say, I just laughed again at how stunned he was

"Tiger Lily and her trainer taught me"

I say shrugging, I also knew that if the prophecy was real then his mother helped teach me that move. Unfortunately I wasn't allowed to tell him any of that, because then he would learn a terrible truth and it broke my heart that I wasn't allowed to tell him. Tiger Lily said something about not telling him because if he found out then he might walk away from his destiny, plus I am now very happy to pronounce that I am his Great Protector and I will do everything and anything to fulfill that for his sake. Then I got an idea,

"Hey fly boy, do you want to train with me?"

At first he looked nervous, but then I gave him a reassuring smile. Finally he gave in and nodded.


It's been a couple hours and the sun is beginning to set, but it has only felt like a couple minutes. Peter collapsed on the floor next to me panting and I sat down with a tired smile.

"That was so much fun"

I say in between breathes and all Peter could do was nod, we sat in comfortable silence for a while then I felt something grab my hand. I look down and I see Peter's hand wrapped around mine! My heart began to race and I took Peter's hand in return. A smile formed and I looked up at the sunset.

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