Ch. 3

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Peter's Pov.

I smile as I introduce myself to Y/n, then I heard a groaning noise. I turn my head to see Hook wake up, he begins to frantically look around and Tiger Lily stands up. 

"Let the match begin!"

Suddenly, some random bald dude with no shirt comes out of nowhere and cuts the rope that was dangling Hook by the feet. I start to struggle against the bond that held me to the pole, 'I have to help Hook' I thought. Y/n snaps her head away from the fight and stares me down, "Don't even think about it." she states in her lovely voice. I nod my head and stop, but little did she know that I begun untying the bond.

Y/n Pov.

I told him not to try and free himself because that will only get him hurt, so I rolled my eyes when I saw that he tried to secretly untie the leather straps around his wrists.

"He's gonna get himself killed someday"

I mutter sadly. I really like Peter, and I would hate to see him go down like the other punks in the tribe. Finally I gave up and turned my attention back to the fight. The pirate was totally being destroyed by our Pan, chuckling I sit back and relax to enjoy the fight.

Peter's Pov.

As I work on the bonds that kept me hostage, I noticed that Hook was soaring towards the nearest ledge. Cringing I watch him hit the ledge and fall down to the next level where he got a glimpse of Tiger Lily.

Hook's Pov.

'Damn she's hot.' I thought as I glanced at the princess before getting pulled back into the ring.

Peter's Pov.


I mutter as my hands are freed from the bonds, I jump into the ring with a battle cry before getting pulled back by Y/n. My hands slipped on the ledge where she tried to pull me back and fell to the next level where the weird looking chief took my necklace.

"No, give it back! That's mine!"

I cried out, suddenly I was surrounded by Natives that held spears. I quickly put my hands up in surrender and I glance over at Y/n to see her beautiful h/l ((Hair length)) sway as she runs over to the group of Natives with authority, but I saw slight worry in her eyes.


The chief calls out, everyone froze and put all their attention on him.

"The boy. He wears the Pan."

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