Ch. 2

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Peter's Pov.

Y/n led us to their camp, but as soon as we got there Smee and I got tied up against poles. Hook on the other hand was tied by his feet hanging upside down. 

"What are you gonna do to him?!" I asked shouting at the natives. 

Y/n turned to face me, but instead of replying she just gave a small smile with mischief glinting in her eyes. Then another girl jumped down next to her, she wore the same style of eye makeup as Y/n but in pink and wore about the same outfit. The only difference was that this girl held only one weapon, looked more elegant and wore a giant wig-like hat with colorful rope that reminded me of a crown.

"Your bravest warrior will fight against our pan for freedom." 

The girl responded, there was authority that wrapped around her voice that made me shut up. Smee on the other hand didn't seemed fazed by it,

 "Well that's not very nice is it?" Suddenly a man behind Smee smacked him in the head causing Smee to go unconscious. 

My eyes widened in fear and shock, 'how could they be so harsh?' I thought to myself. 


It felt like forever just standing tied up against a pole waiting for Smee and Hook to wake up. Y/n has been standing next to me the entire time sharping the Khopesh and taking occasional glances at me, finally I decided to try and start up a conversation.

Y/n Pov.

I was sitting on the floor, leaning against a pole, and sharping my wonderful curvy sword while glancing at the boy tied up on a pole. He was super cute with his Cockney accent and brown hair, he was different from the boys in the tribe. He had a sense of bravery -but he rarely showed it, he was very humble, kind, and caring, but fear was wrapped into the mix as well. There was also something about him that was...familiar? There was some sort of connection that I felt him have with the tribe and I couldn't figure out what. Tiger Lily wouldn't answer my question about it either, so I guess I will just have to wait and see. 

"So, Y/n, do you have a job in this tribe?"

The boy spoke with curiosity, but I could hear the fear he was trying to hide with bravery. I stop sharpening my Khopesh, stand up, place the blade in its holder, and turn to face the boy.

"Yes I do, I am the second in command warrior. Tiger Lily, our princes, is the first commander."

As a Native, we are supposed to respond in short yet meaningful way. We are not allowed to talk freely about our feelings and options, although I do have a bit of some slack on that rule considering I am Tiger Lily's best friend. We sometimes even call each other sisters. The boy smiled and nodded awkwardly. I felt bad, I kinda wanted to talk to him more but unless he's close friends or family I cannot just casually talk to him. As the odd silence filled the air between us I decided to go against one of the rules buy just a bit.

"What's your name boy?"

I ask tilting my head to the side,


~sorry guys for the extremely long wait. i just havent felt like writing... Anyways thx guys, love you all!~

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