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Sorry that I haven't been sending a letter after 4 months. I was really busy with my studies and some sort of things.

I bet it's the same to you. Probably you wouldn't even notice about any one of my letters but yeah, I'm still sending it just to say whatever I wanted to say.

Just wanted to ask one thing;

Are you jealous of those people who has a boyfriend/girlfriend?

Because I am, lately.

I felt kinda lonely lmao but whatever, I'm just saying it.

Based on my look, I don't think I had get a boyfriend anyway.

They used to misunderstood me as a boy instead of seeing me as a girl.

Plus, I can't find anyone attractive too.

Even seeing handsome guys just makes me go nah, I'm not interested.

Something is wrong with me?

Or... Yeah, I think is me.

It had been wrong since day one and I don't know if I can correct it.


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