Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

During lunch the next day I told Breanne, and Genista about Janes innocent act. They weren't surprised, they hate Jane. They think she is a slutty slut. I agree I don't understand why at 15 she smokes,drinks, almost never eats and makes out with her gross boyfriend mostly everyday for about six hours, and once I walked in on her while she was cutting herself, with blood pouring into the sink in our bathroom balling her eyes out. She has her whole life to ruin her body why does she choose now to do so.

We get up and leave our mystery meat behind and go walking towards the football field (maybe the football team will be practising). We get to the field (the empty field) and sit on the bleachers. We start talking about our classes and what is it like being apart for the first time, its not too fun. We plan a shopping spree on the weekend and a sleepover after that. Suddenly we heard a loud scream drown our voices, followed by a familiar giggle. It was coming from behind the equipment shed. We all gasped and without consulting it first we all jumped to see what it was. We ran towards the shed we heard more small screams. My blood was boiling, I could feel my heart coming out of my chest. Genista ran to the side of the shed we heard giggling and more screams we heard someone shushing the person screaming, and then more giggling. Genista smoothly looked around to where the screaming was coming from. She quickley looks towards us.

"We should leave." She demanded, she looks like she just saw a ghost.

"Why?" Breanne asked, fear creeped into her eyes.

"You don't want to know. Trust me!" She started walking away without looking at us looking very confused. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

"Stay." I say pointing at her like a dog. I walk over to the edge of the wall and looked like what Genista did. All I did was gasp. It was Jane and Joshua making out, Joshuas lips were plastered to her neck. I gasp. They stopped and looked over at me. Jane's face went cherry red. Joshua looked up slightly but his tongue still on her neck and he just yelled.

"Go away you pervs can't you see we are busy here?"

"RUN!" Genista yelled and ran away. Breanne and I followed running fast. We duck behind the bleatures and Breanne and Genista burst out laughing, I tried to force out a laugh but it didn't really work.

"Oh, come on Jillian, we already knew shes a slut and now we just got  proof." Breanne laughes.

"Yes, I knew that. It was just weird seeing it." I try to ignore the stomach ache I just got.

"Well, it was kinda scary when Joshua yelled at us like that." Genista says turning white again.

"Oh. My. Gosh. That was creepy, he looked like he was going to kill us."

"He looks about 20..." I mumble out. Genista and Breanne nod. Then the bell rings and we see Joshua and Jane stumble out from behind the shed. They snatch each others hands and walk into the doors and we follow far behind them.  

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