Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I wake up the trunk door opened. I have a headache. I feel where it hurts to relise I have big goose egg on the top of my head. I'm guessing I hit it when we were driving. I slowly get up. I see I'm in a garage. There is a strong smell of gasoline in the air. I close the trunk. I look around and see a door leading into a house. My heart is pounding as I walk closer to the door. I notice a paper airplane on the step leading up to the house. I pick it the airplane up.  

"Ouch!" I yelled as the paper sliced my figure, I put it in my mouth and continue to open it with one hand. In side is a bandage.

Don't hurt yourself, before I can.  

Your not the one I want.

I gasp reading the message. He knows I'm not Jane. 'What is he going to do to me?' I ask myself quietly in my head still pounding like a elephant stampede. I drop the airplane not taking the bandage and I press a glowing green doorbell hoping it will open the garage, but it doesn't. So I just walk into the house. I feel my blood boiling as I open the door. It takes me into what looks like a dark normal house with windows and stairs, which makes me more scared he could be anywhere. Beside the door I entered was another door with no doorknob. I stand there looking at it thinking, "It must be the way out." Tears are burning in my eyes as I start looking around. I see a couch, and a coffee table standing on a rug. It doesn't look creepy but it feels that way. I slowy move on to the next room. It's a kitchen. The smell that was in my dream is in the kitchen I see beer bottles every where and cigerette butts everywhere. I feel a tear roll down my face. My blurry eyes look toward the digital clock on the stove. It's only 8:21, I look out the window it is pitch black, but in the distance I see a small light. There is a house about a half a kilometre away. I have to get out of here. I try to open the window but its locked. Suddenly a hear a phone ring. I turn around to see a small cell phone lighting up. I walk over to it slowly. On the caller ID it says: Pick up!  

I feel my paper cut hand take the phone and open it, I fell the cold phone touch my face. I hear heavy breathing on the other end.  

"Hello?" I ask my voice is all scratchy.  

"Jillian." He asks.  

"It's Jane." I lie badly.  

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT CRAP!" He yells loudly. I hear sometime shatter like glass. He is drunk. I bite my lip. I don't say anything.  

"I'm watching you Jillian. Don't even try to escape, you'll be in even bigger trouble."  

"You'll never get away with this." I say trying to sound brave but I end up sounding like Nancy Drew.  

He laughes, "Watch me." Then my phone goes black, I try to turn it back on but it won't. I notice there is a stairs going upstairs and down its probably a pretty big house he could be anywhere. I breathe deeply and decide to go look for him, What else I'm going to do. I head down stairs slowly suddenly I hear shattering glass from above me. He is upstairs I slowly head back upstairs and hear more breaking glass and nosies I hold my breathe praying not for the stairs to crack. I make it upstairs I smell smoke and beer just like my dream. I slowly make my way down the long hallway. Suddenly I feel something under my thin shoes i look down at the dark floor I cant see it i bend down and pick it up.  

"Ouch!" I yell getting cut open with the glass. I put my finger in my mouth and bite it hard. The nosies stop. He knows I'm up here. I hear the floor crack but it was not from me. I remain motionless as I stand in the middle of the dark hallway sucking on my pointer finger. The cracks got louder and faster and soon I see him. At the end of the hallway. He stops at the doorway and stares at me carrying a beer bottle he looks at me like I'm a piece if meat fresh off the bone.

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