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***Five Years Later***

 I stand in front of the crowd, confident and strong. Sydney and Nora are right here with me, dressed in the same lavender maxi dress I'm wearing, while Veronica sits behind us...in white.

Even without looking over my shoulder, I know Carter is staring at his new bride with a smile a thousand burning suns could never compete with. While I ramble on through my maid of honor speech, I'm hit with just how far we've come in such a short amount of time.

After college, Carter andNora moved away from West Plains so he could take a job as a math teacher and football coach at an area school. A few months later, Veronica was offered a job at the same school.

Sydney, who is still somehow single, is living and working in Arkansas where she's a curator for a small art history museum. She loves her work and I love visiting her on my time off.

Nora surprised everyone by dropping out of college and joining the military. She never struck me as the disciplined type, so it's was a shock to see her standing at attention at her first pinning ceremony. From what I hear, she's good at what she does, but I still worry about her.

As for me, I graduated with a masters in counseling and spen the last year working at a center for teens who have lost a loved one. When I'm not there, I'm at the hospital, counseling patients through the transplant process, all while still working toward a PhD.

I stumble over my words when I spot Ellen in the crowd, dabbing at her eyes. It was hard not to write Jay into my speech, especially since if it weren't for him, there's a good chance Veronica wouldn't be sitting here, beaming as if the world is at her feet.

But I don't say his name. Today isn't the day to put our waterproof mascara to the test.

After toasting two of my best friends, I take a seat and bask in the wonder and beauty of the newlyweds strolling out onto the dance floor.

Life goes on.

The reception is in full swing by the time I excuse myself to the ladies room. It's been a long day—a long weekend actually, because Veronica almost ventured into Bridezilla territory multiple times—and I'm more than ready to head back to my hotel room, fling off these constrictive heels, and slip into shorts and a tank top.

That's what I'm fantasizing about when I turn the corner and run smack dab into a solid chest, sending me reeling backward.

"Whoa, steady there!"

Electricity bolts through me as hands wrap around my wrists, keeping me upright. Shocked, I look up to find a friendly smile, dark eyes, and a set of dimples that has my heart racing—in the best way possible, of course. When my eyes venture lower, I take in the crisp, formal lines of a uniform.

He's still holding my wrists, even though I'm no longer in danger of falling, but I don't care. He could super-glue himself to me and I doubt I'd put up much of a fight.

"Uh...thanks." I'm staring—I know I am—but damn.

"Looks like someone had one too many whiskey sours."

His playful accusation catches me off guard. "What? No. I'm—I'm not drinking."

He nods, eyes alight with humor. "Well in that case, you better get back to your date so you can remedy that. Isn't it the duty of the maid of honor to get shitfaced and embarrass the bride and groom?"

"No date," I blurt.

Inside, I'm cringing. I have to actively remind myself that I'm a successful woman with a degree and a career—not a swoony teenager at a high school dance.

"You came stag?" he asks, shaking his head.


I sound like an incompetent moron. I might as well go home right now and remove this red lipstick with my college diploma.

"Well, in that case..."

He holds out his arm and after ten seconds of wondering what the hell he's doing, I finally take his hand and let him lead me to the dance floor. Wobbling on these godforsaken heels, I wish for the millionth time today that I'd invested in more appropriate footwear.

But as the handsome stranger sets one hand at the small of my back, I can't even remember what's on my feet, let alone how to operate them.

Even through a layer of satin, his touch burns through me, shooting all the way up to my scalp, down to my toes, and everywhere in between.

It takes me a moment to catch my breath and collect myself, but he busies himself by swaying us to the beat of a country ballad filtering through the stereo speakers. He's a great leader—strong and sure—and being his partner is effortless on my part.

Once the chorus starts and I manage to get my blush—as well as my blood pressure—under control, I look up to meet his eyes and finally find my voice.

"Do you have a name, soldier?"

A dimple in his cheek pops as he smiles, happy I've finally joined the conversation.

"Jake," he says. "It's nice to finally meet you, Bree."

My mouth drops open, and suddenly, I want to cry. But I don't. Tears are not allowed here.

So, I do the next best thing.

I laugh.

Wow, subtle, boys...

"Is...is my name that funny?" He cocks his head to the side, looking at me like I've lost my damn mind. Hell, maybe I have.

"No, it's really not," I say, still chuckling. "You just...reminded me of someone. Someone I knew a long time ago."

Strong arms pull me in close, until my chest is pressed against his, and I relax into his embrace as he moves us across the dance floor. It's effortless and graceful and I'm left wondering how such a brute of a man can move his body with such ease and confidence.

"So, this person that you knew a long time ago...was he as handsome as I am?" He winks, and although his question could be construed as arrogant, I know it isn't.

"Yeah, actually he was," I laugh.

My free hand slides up to cup the side of his neck and I revel in the strong pulse I find there, beating against my fingers.

His head bows forward, until our foreheads are almost touching, and he lowers his voice, as if sharing a secret.

"Sounds like I might have some really big shoes to fill."

His eyes search mine, and although it's silly, I love that they're brown instead of blue. There's a limit to how many blue-eyed charmers a girl can handle in one lifetime, and I reached my limit years ago.

"Oh...you have no idea."


Note from the author: Thank you so much for reading Steady. I'd LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to hear your thoughts on any aspects of the story and I hope you enjoyed your time spent in West Plains, Missouri. ;)

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