Ch. 6

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I've been at the apartment for the past twenty minutes and I was still in shock. But Yeontan on the other hand was a tired boy. He fell asleep on what was supposed to be my bed, I let him take it. Hell, he has been beat and stitched up today, I'll give him some space. I decided that since I was here I might as will take in the view, I will must likely never see this again. I walked onto the balcony and just took in to view. You could see everything, I was to distracted to hear the door open again.

"You must really enjoy this."

I turned around and saw RM. I rolled my eyes and focused my attention on sight in front of me.

"I know you probably don't care but we are going to have to stay in touch from now on. You know what we are and... certain things are going to be after you. If you want to stay safe you have to let us know where you are at all tim--"

"SHUT UP!" I screamed "This is all bullshit, all of it. I'm leaving in the morning and the reason why I would possibly come back is because we have a project, even then the library is an amazing option. So, leave me the hell alone, I don't care if you are the Devil himself... just go away."

I turned to him and he was looking down. I felt a little bit guilty but I was on a roll. I started walking towards him but I tripped and landed on top of him. He had one arm wrapped around my lower back and one on my upper back. My arms were scrunched up on his chest. I could feel my cheeks turning red and when I looked up at RM, I could tell he felt the same way. I looked into his eyes and I felt the world stop... I wasn't in love, just calm. We were quickly interrupted when I heard Yeontan barking on the other side of the door. I quickly shook it off and got up. I bowed and ran inside. I grabbed Yeontan and ran into the bathroom. I slid into the bath tub with Yeontan and looked him in the eyes.

"What am I going to do?" I mumbled

He just looked at me and licked my leg. I chuckled and brought him up to my chest. We fell asleep just like that, in the bath tub.

-Time Skip (6:00AM)

I heard my alarm go off from the bedroom. I sat up and stretched, I could feel the knots in my neck forming. I slowly removed Yeontan from my chest and went into the bedroom to turn off my alarm. Once I did I could hear Yeontan whining from the bath tub. I grabbed him and walked out into the lounge room. I finally was able to take in the boys apartment. There was huge lounge where Jimin and Suga were on the couch watching tv. I walked back into my room and grabbed my stuff. I very quietly put Yeontan in my bag, zipping it up ever so slightly. Before I could pack my phone, someone knocked on my door.


V walked in with two bags full of what I could only guess could be: dog supplies. He gave me a small smile and I returned it. He placed the bags on the bed as I pulled Yeontan out of my bag. Yeontan stumbled towards V, barking happily. I checked the time, 6:30AM there is no way I will get to work on time. I guess I can take the afternoon shift with Lisa. I quickly called Jennie and told her I would be late. Thank God I brought my uniform with me, I ran into the bathroom and changed my shirt then took off my make-up from yesterday. I brushed my hair out then brushed my teeth. I was planning on spending the night with Mark anyways, so I brought my stuff.

I walked out of the bathroom to see that V and Yeontan were playing very happily on the bed. I chuckled and grabbed my bag, Yeontan spotted me and jumped over to me. Barking slightly and shaking his tail.

"Yeontan, I have to go to work. V will watch you and then he'll bring you home to me. Okay!" I cooed

V laughed and continued playing with Yeontan.

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