Ch. 10

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Jin and I were pulling into our district when the truck stopped.


"I don't know. It just stopped and it won't start back up again." Jin tried starting the truck again and again

We got out of the car and tried to find the problem. While Jin checked the engine I took in out surroundings. Our district had nobody in it but when I went to the back of the truck the district was bustling with activity. I walked back and forth between the two spaces until I realized what happened. I ran to Jin and pulled him away from the truck.

"We need to get to the apartment, now."

Jin just nodded as we ran towards the apartment.

-Time Skip (20 minutes)-

After twenties minutes of running we finally made it to the apartment. We tried entering through the front entrance but it didn't work. We went around to the garage and heard cries of agony. I summoned my weapon and ran in while Jin did the same. I couldn't believe what we were seeing, Matthew and Somin were mercilessly beating the other guys while (Y/N) was in the corner unconscious, I'm hoping she was.

"Somin! Stop!" I ordered

She dropped Jimin who was barely holding onto consciousness. Matthew dropped Suga who was unconscious. Somin and I walked to the center of the garage, it was quite difficult since there was at least 20 bodies laying around. When we reached the center we held eye contact for a good minute before I spoke up.

"What do you want?" I questioned

"I gave you the letter. You know who we want and you didn't give her us on time so..." She pointed behind her "that happened. Now, there are only two of you and there is two of us so, you can either hand her over or end up like your friends. Regardless we get (Y/N)."

I looked down and chuckled. When my eyes met with hers I could already tell they were full of anger.

"Why do you need her? She is ours, try anything and don't think we won't rip your head from where it sits." I growled "Hand her over and leave us. We aren't going to go back to Hell with you so you can tell Lucifer to fuck off."

I shoved my way past Somin and Jin followed. I walked over to (Y/N), her hair was matted with blood and dirt. I felt my blood start to boil but I held back my instincts to rip off Somin's head. Something felt off and I realized what it once I heard a gun go off and cry of agony coming from behind me. I quickly looked behind me and saw Jin on the floor, holding his arm tightly. Blood seeped through his hand.

"Leave now." I mumbled

"What was that?" Matthew joked "Is Daddy RM protecting his kids?"

I didn't let Matthew continue as he took a brass knuckle to the face. I continued beating him until I felt something sharp come across my abdomen. I looked up and saw Somin with her scythe wrapped around my waist.

"It is very evident now that you care about (Y/N). We are giving you five months to figure out why she is so important to us. That's it. We will be watching you Namjoon." Somin explained

Everything disappeared after that. Jin, J-Hope and V had recovered and were helping everyone else up. (Y/N) was starting to wake up and I quickly ran over to her. I lifted her up bridal style and followed the boys upstairs. Once we got up the apartment everything was thrown around, she actually put up a fight.

"Damn, (Y/N)! You know how to put up a fight!" Jimin yelled

I looked down and saw (Y/N) smirk to herself. She opened her eyes and croaked out 'thank you'. I shifted her in my arms and walked into her room, luckily, nothing was damaged in here. I laid her down on her bed and turned on her bedside lamp. When I turned back towards her she was sitting up, holding her head.

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