Ch. 5

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After a couple of minutes of roaming through the docks, I finally found Warehouse 7. I found the door and knocked. It very slowly creaked open, just like in the movies. I could feel the adrenaline being pumped into my bloodstream. I secured my book bag and pulled out my phone. I turned on the flashlight and opened up the door. I walked in and realized that there was two floors. I could see a ladder maybe 15 feet away from me. I looked down at the floor and saw that there was old machinery laying around. I huffed and started making my way over to the ladder. After 5 minutes of climbing and maneuvering through metal, I finally made my way to the ladder.

Before I could start climbing I felt my phone buzz. I looked down and saw that it was a message from RM.

RM: Be careful climbing up the ladder, very rusty. I will be at the top waiting for you.

I groaned and started climbing. I had my phone in my mouth as I climbed up. When I made it to the top I felt the step beneath me give away. Before I could even register what happened I felt two pairs of arms wrap around my arm. I looked up and saw RM and Jungkook. They pulled me up to the second floor as I heard the ladder fall.

"Thanks." I mumbled

I stood up and looked around the second floor. There were a couple of couches, chairs, and a bar. I tilted my head when I saw the bar but everything else looked normal for an evil lair. I saw Suga and Jin drinking at the bar, J-Hope and Jimin were playing cards and V was just staring at the wall behind me. The two boys that helped me up started walking away. I just stood there awkwardly, waiting for them to murder me or explain what happened last Friday.

"Stop acting so awkward, come join us! Relax we aren't going to kill you." J-Hope exclaimed

I just looked him weirdly. His smile faded as he looked towards RM.

"(Y/N), we will explain everything. Just sit down and trust us." RM said

"How?! How can I trust you?! How can I trust any of you?! Your eyes changed color, not like just over time, the whole eye changed! That isn't human RM! That's weird and unless you are going to explain what the hell you are, I'm leaving!" I yelled

All the boys looked shocked at my little outburst , but I didn't care. The adrenaline and curiosity are starting to get the best of me. I took a breath and turned around. I didn't care if the ladder was broken, I was going to leave unless they would start talking.

"Look, (Y/N). We are truly sorry. When we say you are different from anyone else we had met, we really mean it." He paused and I turned around. "You are right though, how can you trust us?"

The other boys were starting to get nervous, they were afraid of what RM was going to say.

"That's what I would like to know." I stated

RM smirked and started walking over to me.

"(Y/N), are you sure you don't want to walk out now?" RM said

I nodded my head and straightened my posture.

"Okay then, we are the Sins, The Seven Deadly ones to be exact. Now I'm sure you know a little bit about us because I know Mr. Novak just told you."

I chuckled

"Yeah, and I'm a fallen angel. I'm heading home and you better be at school next week, we have a project to do RM. I'm not doing it by myself."

I smiled to myself as a started walking towards the exit. I looked down and saw that is was maybe a good 12 foot drop. I hung from the floor and dropped down. I took my phone out and turned on the flashlight. I left the Warehouse having no idea where to go. I roamed around for a while before I heard people talking and being the curious person I was, I had to go investigate. When I turned the corner I saw a group of eight guys surrounding a injured dog. I could hear them talking about what they should do to him. They were horrible. I walked down the dimly lit alleyway and called out to them.

seven cardinal sins (bts x reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now