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"You got home late last night" speaks Alexander after the small meal which would pass as breakfast. They were standing out on the street, Stephanie wearing a knee length old play dress, while Alexander and Henry both wear trousers with suspenders and old white shirts with similar coloured jackets.

"Was I really that late?" she questions looking between her brothers who had answer expectant faces,

"We thought you'd finally lost it" speaks Henry, earning a slap across the back of his head by Alexander, Stephanie laughs, open and humorously, admiring their brotherly ways. Her mind wanders to the peculiar Detective Murdoch she met last night.

"Well I'd think the same of you!" comes the shrill voice of one of the mad caretakers, the three instantly freeze, "Get to work! The three of you!" she screeches and the three children run to their posts away from her.


The autumn sun is high in the sky, ladies carry umbrellas while hooked arm in arm with their partners or friends. Stephanie stands under a tall tree for shade as she sells small flowers to men, young and old. Across the square a young boy barges through three women linked together, one of which yelps, as a Constable attempts to apprehend the young boy. Moments after he runs past the women, he was back and walking aimlessly in the small square opposite where Stephanie stands. He is approached by another officer in arms, they bicker for a moment before they realise they have company.

"Excuse me Constables" speaks Stephanie, calling them both out of their frustrated thoughts and comments towards the other.

"Ahhh, yes Miss" speaks the one who was chasing after the boy,

"I think I may know the boy you seek" she speaks looking between the two constables the second one raises an eyebrow

"Really Miss?" questions the first constable,

"Please Miss, he has done some terrible things" urges the second constable

"Well I may be able to talk to him for you" she speaks not wanting to sell out one of her own

"Miss, we cannot let you do that" speaks the first, "He needs to be stopped" he urges

"Well then my information isn't needed" she speaks, "Constables" she speaks and with a nod is returning to her post. While on the way sells another small bunch of purple flowers to a lady. Behind her the two constables begin to bicker again this time about what they should do.

"We are constables of the law" speaks the first, "We should be the one to handle this, not fair maidens" continues the first gesturing to the woman who approached them

"George." begins the second looking from the woman who approached them to his companion, "Some people don't like getting involved with the police" speaks the second,

"Yes, Henry but..."

"So we should learn to trust some few" continues Henry as if George had said nothing, both Constables look towards the lady with the small basket of flowers, "She came to us, George. What does that tell you?" he questions his fellow constable, George stops to think for a bit,

"Your right Henry, maybe we should trust her" speaks George giving into his companions better idea,

"I'm sorry, did I just hear you correctly, George" speaks Henry a smile stretching "Did you just agree with me?" he questions shooting a smirk towards his companion,

"Yes Henry, I did" he speaks not happy about his decision, "It won't happen again though" he finishes and looks towards the lady with the basket of flowers seeing that she is looking for another place to stand, "Shall we?" he questions Henry gesturing to the path laid out before them.

"Right" speaks Henry and they are both off walking towards the female selling flowers. "Excuse me miss" speaks Henry as they stand before the woman who accepts a few pennies from the young man and turns her attention to the constables.

"What can I do for you, Constables" she questions looking up at them with a curious expression

"Madam, my name is Constable George Crabtree" speaks George as Stephanie observes his eagerness to do the right thing, as well as his lady charming smile.

"I'm Constable Higgins, Henry Higgins" speaks the younger of the two with a calm face and gives Stephanie a warming smile,

"We would like it if you would be able to, talk to the boy for us" reasons George, his intense gaze never wavering from her calm looking, slightly dirty face.

"You're really trusting, a child to carry out your task?" she questions them looking between the constables

"Well, it wasn't my first choice" George speaks in a quick and stern voice,

"That's what I thought" finishes Stephanie, 

"Please Miss" speaks Henry cutting the line of tension between George and the woman with the basket, "We need your help" he finishes and she redirects her gaze from Constable Crabtree to Constable Higgins.

"I will help you" she speaks nodding her head, "But to do so, I need to know what he's done" she speaks creating a plan to get the boy in trouble if he doesn't cooperate.

"Well for starters, he has stolen all kinds of objects, from food" begins George and Stephanie's gaze falters slightly, going unnoticed by Henry, knowing why he steals food, "Don't tell me you knew about that" speaks George seeing her demeanour has changed

"I'm sorry Constable, what do you mean? I simply know the boy that's all" she speaks to both Constables and gestures for them to continue

"Well he also has stolen loads and pick pocketed men and women alike" Henry continues for George

"I'll do what needs to be done" she speaks to the Constables and looks in her basket and sees three more small bunches of purple flowers. "If you'll excuse me Constables, it's getting late. I must be going." the Constables both bow their heads towards her in goodbye and she walks across the street out of sight. 

"Let's hope this works Henry" speaks George looking after the woman who he still didn't know the name of.

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