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Saturday. A day which Stephanie both loved and hated at the same time, if that was even possible. Saturday is the day which Stephanie was to teach the younger females how to read and write. Younger females being the small handful of kids with the ages of 5, 6, 7, 10 and 14. And while she enjoyed the work, some of the girls were trouble makers.

"Children!" she basically screams at Olivia and Rose, the 5 and 6 year olds, as they fight, she puts on her scary mum face, "I will let the caretakers know you've been naughty and you won't get any food for a week" she snaps and the pair stop instantly.

"Why do we need to learn this?" the slightly more mature 7 year old, Veronica, questions with a sigh as she taps her pencil on her knee and looks crookedly towards Stephanie and the small chalkboard she stands beside.

"Well Veronica, this is where your future comes into play" Stephanie speaks calmly despite wanting to murder the younger two of the group, "When you are old enough and when Nancy and Penelope have left this establishment you will be left to teach the children" she finishes and Penelope looks unsure for a moment before sitting up straighter, as if proving to Stephanie that she is ready to leave and be out in the world.

"Steph, did you hear about Tom?" questions Veronica with an eager look hoping for gossip, footsteps halt at the door and a caretaker stares into the room. All of the children fall silent and stare blankly at the board.

"Forget about Tom" speaks the caretaker flatly and sternly, all the children nod and she walks away. The children stay silent until the 10 year old announces loudly,

"I really liked Tom" begins Nancy, "He was my friend, Stephanie... do you think he will ever come back?" she questions and Stephanie refrains from looking towards the door at a shadow, that the seated children couldn't see, stares at her and waits for Stephanie's answer.

"I'm not sure" she speaks and walks towards Nancy, crouching in front of her, "There will be people who will come into your life..." she begins resting her hand on the girls shoulders, "They may stay, and be with you until you are old..." she looks between Olivia and Rose, the youngest girls in the room, her hand still resting on Nancy's shoulder "Or they may leave suddenly," she continues and looks towards Penelope, "That's for them to decide, you've just got to be strong, and move on. Live your life" she speaks and stands up looking over each of the girls in turn. "Don't let anyone stop you. Even if its a boy." she finishes and looks towards Nancy who nods with a determined look on her face.

Stephanie knew she was cutting it close, speaking those words. Words that were true. She had lost her parents and feels abandoned by them. However, someone took her in, gave her work, a small education and a new family. If Stephanie lost Alexander or Henry, she wouldn't be able to live up to her words. The caretakers knew that. She would be lost. The children before her would understand that in due time. All of the children were fairly close, even if Tom was keeping a secret from everyone. Even if Stephanie was breaking the rules without even her brothers knowing. Even if the youngest in the room weren't paying attention. But it's true. She and the others would have to move on and forget Tom. It wasn't the first time a child has gone missing from this establishment, and it certainly won't be the last.

"That's the lesson for today" she speaks and the children drop their things and race out of the room. Stephanie walks to the window and watches as the innocent children leave the building to find their friends out on the street. A firm but gentle hand takes her shoulder, she turns around to see the kind face of her brother Henry.

"Come here" he speaks and pulls his sister into a hug, Stephanie sobs quietly for a few minutes while Henry gently rubs her back in a calming manner. This happens regularly. Not every day, but mainly when it's her turn to teach and something comes up, like the disappearance of Tom. She shares motherly advice that hits too close to home then dismisses the children only to watch their innocent little faces light up as if they were running to their parents. Most of the children here have never seen their parents. They wouldn't quite know what it's like to see their parents leave through the building that she now stands in.

"What time is it?" she questions after calming down and Henry looks towards the small clock on the wall above the mantle piece at the other end of the room.

"Midday" he replies and Stephanie pulls away from his touch, "Alex is outside" he speaks as Stephanie wipes under her eyes. "What is the exped-"

"Not here!" she speaks firmly, her entire demeanour changed and her battle face on. She takes her brothers hand and leads him out the back of the large house. Down the steps where Alexander waits quietly in the darkness of the alleyway between the house the children exited from and the other house behind where they lived. "Follow me" she speaks letting go of Henry's hand and Alexander throws her a bag. She catches it and walks out of the alleyway with her head held high and bag full of her chimney sweep attire.

"Please tell us where we're going" Henry complains after five minutes of walking on the sidewalk towards the outskirts of town,

"Our agreement was 'go without question', I don't know why your finding that hard to follow" she speaks as her brothers finally walk either side of her and fall silent. The three walking in the direction of the ever falling sun.

Authors Note: 

Hey readers, this is a filler chapter. I needed to create a relationship between Stephanie and her parents otherwise what I have planned won't make sense. There is an intense chapter coming up I assure you. I also had to edit and re-edit this several times.

Sorry it took so long!

Happy reading!

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