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11am, Station House no. 4

Constable Crabtree and Higgins update Murdoch about their findings as Stephanie walks into Station House no. 4. Murdoch spots her walking with a slight limp towards them,

"Stephanie, thankyou for coming" he speaks quickly finishing the conversation with the Constables and gestures for Stephanie to follow him into his office and for her to take a seat. "Is everything ok? You seemed to be walking with a limp" he points out to her as she sits down,

"I heard through the grapevine that you wanted to see me" she speaks blatantly ignoring Murdoch's statement and sits attentively waiting for more news,

"Ah, yes, of course" he speaks re-composing himself and rummages through the papers on his desk before pausing, "Your leg, may I have a look at it?" he questions looking to her as she looks to him with a confused expression

"Is there something wrong with my leg?" she questions dumbfounded, watching Murdoch with knowing eyes,

"No, it's just" he exhales hoping that this day would go a lot better than it was at this current moment, "Nevermind" he speaks and changes his train of thought, "I asked you here to let you know that I have a plan for catching your parents murderer" he speaks looking past Stephanie to Julia Ogden walking through the station house and towards his office.

"Detective" she greets, "Stephanie" she nods and smiles sweetly towards her, Murdoch gestures to the empty seat beside Stephanie, hoping that his back up plan would work. Julia looks towards Stephanie focussing on the bandage that she can just see hiding under the hem of the girls dress.

"Stephanie are you injured?" she questions quickly taking a seat,

"It's nothing" she quickly speaks and covers it up, Murdoch walks around his desk to stand on the other side of Stephanie, blocking her in, he observes a small scar on her upper arm.

"Stephanie, I know who you are" he speaks and kneels infront of her,

"Detective, I'm under the impression you have a plan for catching my parents murderer" she speaks bluntly looking between the two, "I'm not here to be interrogated about who I may or may not be" she speaks and stands heading towards the door

"Stephanie, last night I treated a wound on the calf of a chimney sweep" speaks Julia, as Stepahnie looks outside Murdochs office, Constable's Higgins and Crabtree shuffling papers and Inspector Brackenried watching the girl from his office. "Those bandages are from my emergency stash" she speaks as the girl turns around, shrugging her shoulders,

"I have been conversing with a chimney sweep over the past few weeks," continues Murdoch, "she's helped me a great deal with several cases and last night was treated for a wound that matches the same area in which you are bandaged" speaks Murdoch, laying all of his cards on the table,

"Please don't make this hard on us" comes a polite but gruff voice, Stephanie turns to see Inspector Brackenried standing in the doorway. She pauses for a moment having taken Murdoch's bait - hook, line and sinker to be exactly where she is in this moment.

"You caught me" she speaks raising her hands and returning to her seat as Murdoch sits in his chair and Inspector Brackenried closes the door waiting for an explaination.

"It's true, I hate the police, they didn't help me search for my parents ten years ago" she begins looking between the three adults, "When we first met, Murdoch" she continues looking at the Detective, "I wasn't supposed to talk to you, I should have left it at that and never spoken to you again." she pausing, "But the following day I met Constables Crabtree and Higgins - in a very different circumstance, they were trying to apprehend a -"

"That kid named Tom" interrupts Inspector Brackenried looking chuffed with himself for remembering, Murdoch gives him a look,

"It's ok, detective" she speaks motioning to the silent conversation between the Inspector and Detective, "It doesn't matter anymore, you know who I am" she shrugs, "I don't know why I helped them, but I did and in doing so launched myself into business that wasn't mine to enquire about" she speaks and meets Murdoch's gaze, "I thought that by getting closer to you I could figure out why no-one helped me look for my parents," she speaks and a tear falls down her cheek, "I didn't expect for my parents case to hit me in the face" she finishes quickly, and looks down to her hands, the room falls silent for a few moments.

"I never really had a plan" Murdoch speaks, "I just needed to confirm my suspicion of who I thought you were" he continues,

"I know," Stephanie replies, "I thought that was the case, you analysed me while Dr Ogden patched me up last night" she continues curtly nodding to Julia, "figured it was only a matter of time before you called me out" Murdoch smiles in response and nods to the Inspector,

"So then, what's the plan Murdoch?" The inspector questions, all eyes turn to the Detective for a response, Murdoch looks into the distance for a moment,

"I think I have an idea" Stephanie pipes up,

Murdoch and the Chimney SweepWhere stories live. Discover now