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With the sun set, and the boys following orders the three arrive at the institute. They hide in the shadows of the surrounding trees as Stephanie picks up a flashlight from the ground. She flashes the light three times towards the other side of the clearing. After a moment of darkness, a light flashes back.

"Get changed" she speaks flatly and the boys comply as she runs around the trees towards the flashed light. Before she gets too close, she changes her clothes to her chimney sweep attire, rubbing her face in her shirt before putting it on properly, and takes the bag with her as she approaches Detective Murdoch.

"Are you sure sending children inside is a good idea?" questions a familiar voice,

"George, I trust this girl and she trusts her friends" speaks Murdoch as he paces around, "She is more than willing to help us." he finishes before adding, "I also think she's hiding something." Stephanie halts before stepping closer. Of course she is hiding something, her parents are gone and no-one, not even the police tried to find them. Her conflicted feelings of Police prevail, but even with all this hatred of the Law, she still wants to do the right thing.

"Psst" Stephanie whispers after the small debate within her mind, hiding behind the closest tree. Murdoch stops pacing and Constable Crabtree spins around looking for the sound.

"Are you and the boys ready?" Murdoch questions, looking towards the tree where Stephanie hides behind

"Yes, we'll get set up... You will be the first to know. Keep an eye out." she speaks and runs of, snatching the bag from the ground and heading back towards the boys. Determined to do the right thing.

The three scale the height of the building, Stephanie and Henry jump down while Alex sits on the chimney to listen out for any troubles, in which he would call out. Stephanie and Henry continue to shuffle down the chimney, the cold walls quickly becoming familiar as Stephanie stops and finds a heat shaft to her right. She tells Henry to stay where he can see the moon and be able to call Alexander, and shuffles further into the dark where lines of golden light break the darkness further down. She shuffles closer and positions herself awkwardly, whilst looking into the golden lines.

After long awaiting, the nurses visits to patients rooms deplete and Henry quietly shuffles towards his sister.

"How is everything going?" he whispers setting himself next to her and peering into the light.

"Alright" she begins, "Nothing's happened yet" she speaks as another nurse dressed from head to toe in white walks down the corridor

"Why won't you tell us why where here?" he questions, leaning against the cool wall, "What are you hiding?" he continues as if he's talking to himself.

"I should probably tell you, ey" she whispers back, Henry awkwardly spins around in the heat shaft and sits beside the streams of light to face his sister. "Well, remember back a few weeks ago, when I came home really late..." she begins and Henry nods slowly, "Well, I got talking to someone..." Stephanie continues slowly, feeling the tables turn and she hopes to get out, "A one, Detective Murdoch" she speaks and Henry's face drops, he looks away from his sister and holds his head in his hands looking horrified. "I know what that could mean for me" she quickly reassures, placing her hand on his knee. "Hey, no-one knows" she speaks after a moment and another nurse walks down the hallway and into one of the rooms, Henry's small panic attack begins to deplete and his breathing back to normal, "It's been my secret, he has never seen me. Not even when I left you and Alex to get changed. I went to tell him we were here and ready to go, he never saw me." she reassures, "The only time we have talked to the Constables or a Detective is when we put Tom away." she finishes and Henry looks up at Stephanie,

"Ok, I believe you. But if this gets out-"

"It won't, only if you tell will I be caught"

"We have to tell Alex, remember the last time we kept secrets from each other" speaks Henry as Stephanie looks through the vents. A black hood with a crossbow walks through the corridor and out of sight before Stephanie comprehends where the figure went.

"Henry, get the Detective" she whispers quickly, fear lacing her voice. "Now!" she whisper yells at her brother and he quickly clambers back towards Alex. As she watches her brother the hooded figure comes out of the room he disappeared into and looks around. The hairs on the back of Stephanie's neck stand up and slowly she looks through the air vent. Her head coming closer and closer to the lines, the hooded figures eyes scan the surroundings. His attention is suddenly upon a figure in the corridor below Stephanie.

"Stop!" calls Murdoch, the hooded figure raises the crossbow towards the Detective. His fingers tighten on the trigger. Time moves slowly as someone tackles the hooded figure to the ground and an arrow flies towards the heat vent. Lodging itself between Stephanie and her exit, grazing her arm. She muffles a cry of pain, being used to cuts and bruises in her line of work, and begins to wriggle under the lodged arrow and back towards the exit. She crawls out of the small heat vent and into the main chimney, wriggling out to meet her brothers at the top. As she climbs out, Alex shoots her a glare,

"Not now Alex," she speaks quickly, "We need to leave, now" she speaks with Henry agreeing quickly and climbing down the side of the building.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Alex questions as she walks towards where Henry had already disappeared from,

"Because I knew you'd freak out... I didn't want that." she speaks and her internal debate returns, her eyes betraying her in that very moment. "I think they can help find my parents" she speaks before quickly climbing down, Alex not far behind.



I'm sorry it's been a while... wow, I just looked, it's been a month... sorry about that chief. How are you liking the story? I promise you that her story will be told in the next chapter. Murdoch will find out about Stephanie Lynn and her parents and you will know the story soon too!

Happy reading

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