The Night It All Started

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I had taken leave from my duty station for a week so i could have some down time off for my birthday. I was stationed at UAF Base in Las Vegas, NV. Every chance i had i loved to get out and explore new areas and also investigate well known paranormal areas, well any area i was told of id try to check out just for the hell of it. Most of the time i had a few friends to go with me but tonight i was all alone. I sat in my room looking over the list i had made checking to make sure i had everything i would need even the just in case stuff. I got all my things packed in my bag and in to my car and headed off out in the sunset. As i was pulling out of the base i plugged in my phone and chose some hard rock turning it up. Tonight i was heading out to a area that i heard was a neighborhood that was abandoned about 120 miles out of Vegas. Just my kind of investigation nothing and no one for miles to bug me and interfere with what i am doing or so i thought that was how my night was going to go.

I got to my location and picked out where i was going to start my investigation. something about this spot in this place felt right like it was calling out to me. i set up all my stuff and got to work. A few hours in i started getting an odd feeling that i was being watched, looking around to check things out nothing was there. so i tried to do a EVP session, but when i rolled back the recording that is when all hell broke loose. I could not open my eyes and all i could feel was ice cold air rushing around my body then i felt my body hit the ground.

The next thing i knew i felt horrible pain in my head and throughout my body i tried to get up but heard a husky voice tell me shh there you are ok now we are with you don't try to move we have help on the way. help on the way? what the hell happened? i tried to open my eyes even though it hurt so much to do so, to see before me this hulk of a man compared to my tiny size of 5' 2" and 105lbs. i gave him a week smile he leaned in close brushing my hair from my face. Who are you i asked. I'm Zak he replied. he was going to say something else when he looked up in the direction that i heard foot steps coming in from. My eyes started to feel heavy and my head dizzy i could feel myself slip in to black i could hear zak's voice shouting to me dont you go you stay with me you hear me dont you dear.

I could have never dreamt of being saved by a better manWhere stories live. Discover now