life as his wife

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The next few days I spent learning everything that zak wanted me to do while he was gone showing me where to take the night drop at the bank and anything ealse that only he did or his personal assistant did for him . some things I told him I may not be good at right away he asured me that all I had to do was call him if I needed anything. hun I don't have type of phone that I can face time you I told him as we sat eating lunch in his office. he said that when we where done at the office latter we could go shopping as thee where a few things he want to get for me before leaving to go out of town for the week.

latter that day we went to get me the latest cell that was the same type as his he set it all up for me and told me that he had a setting put on there so if anything ever happened he could find where I was and I could do the same with him too.  we went and got all my name changing stuff done so I was legally MRS. Trinety Sky Bagans.  while in the truck with zak as he drove I asked if I could play some music sure love anything you like.  the first thing that played was pink - just give me a reason I sang along with the song zak smiled at me saying I have never heard you sing love you have one hell of a voice. I blushed saying ty. the next day he had to leave so we got all our shopping done and went home.  He got me a new datebook so I could wright everything down and then he set up a brand new $4500 laptop that had everything I ever needed so I could help him run everything. we had a staff meeting at the museum and as we did not get a chance to grab dinner I suggested that we order a bunch of pizzas to have delivered and just feed everyone. zak told me to make the call and handed me a credit card to use to pay for it all. we got to the museum just in time to set up a few tables  to put everything out on, zak always had a fridge in the back room stocked with soda and water for everyone that all they had to do was pay $0.25 for each thing they took out it helped off set the cost of what he payed for things for make a great work place for his employees.  zak had put tons of music on my apple account that I could play on my phone. so I put on my earbuds singing as I was setting up things for the meeting and zak tended to closing the museum for the night.  I had no idea that employees had already started showing up and zak was standing in ah of me singing pink - please don't leave me.  I turned to see everyone I turned red and everyone one clapped and cheered.

Everyone signed in and grabbed some food and drink. we started the meting with zak telling everyone who I was and what I would be doing. I made a small speech and then let zak go one with other things he needed to talk to everyone about. after cleaning up and talking to the managers that id would closest with zak and I got in the truck and headed home. 

when we got home zak parked the truck in the driveway and went to walk in threw the garage when he opened the door I squealed my car was back zak I said omg its perfect.  you like it he ask yes I said jumping in to his arms hugging him. the next morning zak woke before dawn and showered and dressed to leave for his flight I knew well that he hated flying but when he kissed me goodbye I assured him I was just a call away if he needed to talk to me at all. when I heard the door close I rolled over to sleep a bit longer but the bed felt so big with out him next to me. I got up getting food and getting ready for the day I had a list of things to do and I set out to do it.

it was about 9 am when I was thinking what car I should take for the day with all I had to do.  so I called zak he answered the face time call as I saw his face he looked so sleep hay sexy he said to me, hi my love owe babe you look so wore out. ill be fine hun wheats up miss me already he chuckled. I was wondering if youd mind if I took the escalade I have a lot to do today and I was going to sams to stolck up on drinks for work since we drained them pretty much last night, ya hun that sounds good ok I smiled ty babe love you. Love you too smexy he said, oh babe by the way I transferred money to your personal account ok how much I asked so I could update my checkbook $10,000.00 wow zak that is a lot, he said well you are doing two jobs really do on the first of each month ill transfer that to you I smile ty babe now rest on the flight so you don't get sick on me .  Yes mam he said winking at me then I hear aaron yell hi to me I said hi back and blew zak a kiss before ending the call. 

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