Mr.&Mrs. +???????

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we had been mairred about 3.5 months and i was awoke on valentines day to and white and red rose on my bedside table with a card.  I opened the card reading it 

To the love of my life each day with you i fall deeper in love with you  you have made me the happiest man and i know we have been together for about a years now and only mairred for just over 3 months but i cant wait to fullfill your dreams as you have so many of mine. see you tonight my love i made dinner plans and tonight is all about you.

Love alwasy n forever


Latter that day i had a Dr. appt, i was at the office getting work done that i had needed to work on i was prepping stuff to take to the accountant for tax time.  zak popped in and gave me a hug and kiss i could smell he had been burning sage for the new atracktion i suddenly got up and ran to the restroom getting supper sick. zak came in the ladys room after me and saw i was puking my guts out and held my hair back and nelt down rubbing my back.  when i felt as though i had puked out my whole soul he helped me up and handed me his water bottle so i could rince my mouth out. i told him that the sage smell made me feel super sick and he then asked me um not to sound rude babe but when was the last time you had that time of the month i thought a moment it was just before christmas i said. you think he asked,  its posible i looked up to him i can find out today when i go to the dr i said. you want me to take you hun i shook my head its ok you have so much to do hear babe. he nodded and i went to get my keys and purse and phone and headed off to the dr.

The dr office--

i sat there in the cold room as the dr came in she looked to me well first things first when was the first day of your last cycle, um around christmas i said.  well your pregnancey test was posative.  so ill do a quick untrasound to confrem and she did well she said as she looked at the screen.what is somthing wrong i asked. no not at all unless you do not want quints. WHAT i yelped yes mrs bagans you are having 5.  i left the dr nubm. i went home to find zak in the office with the guys going over some stuff for GAC . i walked in looking dead at zak i sternly said his name and he knew somthing was off and told they guys he would be right back. i took his hand taking him to the bedroom he asked if i was ok i shot him a look question, of zak said, how many kids do you want. is somthing wrong love you know id take as many children as the lord will alow us to have.  i started to cry handing him the ultrasound picture. he looked at it intensly and then suddenly droped to his knees wrapping his arms around me. is this real he asked  i looked at his yes due sep 1st and there are 5 in there i looked at my stomic as zak kissed it. i have to tell the guys he said jumping up running down the hall giving them the news.

Later that as i dressed for our dinner zak walked in the bathroom jelling his hair and finishing getting ready to go out he turned to me and asked if i was about ready, yep all set.  we walked out to my T-bird and he opened the door for me and helped me in and he then got in to the driver seat starting it up and taking off to where he had made reservations to go out to. when we gott o the resturant we where seated right away and  we looked at the menus and choise what we wanted to have, zak had chose this wonderful jappinease resturant.  as we wated for our dinner zak reached for my hand giving me a little smile  looing in to his soothing blue eyes i asked him what he was thinking about. he leaned in and kissed me, you love.  he then took a deep breath i cant beleave that we are going to have 5 babys at one time he spoke.  I know zak its going to be a lot on us you know that right. i had so much i wanted to tell him the good the bad that could happen now but he spoke gently to me lets just have this moment my love, smiling i nodded and just then our dinner came to us.

after dinner zak could tell i was not doing so hot so he walked with me hand in hand out to the car and asked if i just wanted to go home i shook my head no zak i said you planed a romantic night for us and i want you to enjoy it to.  he smiles raching out to turn my face to him as we sat in the car i was going to take a walk with you before going home and well i had some plans for home but we can just go home if you feel like doing just that. as zak drove i looked out the windo then i realized we where home. as zak got out of the car to he came to myside and helped meout and in to the house. just before walking in the house zak told me to close my eyes so i did and he took my hand and lead me in to the house he then told whispered in my ear,  stay here for a few moments and dont open your eye till i tell you. i giggled saying out loud zakery alexzander bagans what are you doing and i never got a responce. sudenly in the didstance i could hear music it was one of my favorit bands HIM. i opened my eye to see to see all sorts of candles lit leading up to the bedroom and rose peddles of all sorts of coloars i slowly walked up the stairs and in to our room only to see tons more candles and roses all over the place i was in awww how did he pull this off he had to have help. suddenly i felt zak standing behind me wrapping his arms around me leaning in to kiss my neck. i leaned back on him lacing my fingers in his over my stomic a small moan escaping my lips witch when zak heard it it drove him crazy. he turned me around then picking me up taking me to our bed laying me down crawling in to bed hovering over me i reached up running a hand threw his hair pulling him in to a tender kiss.  as he stratled me returning my kiss he started to undo my top then running his hand tenderly over my torso till he came up to my chest my bra had a little clip in the front and he unfasened it . then starting to trail kissed down along my chest he start to touch me hungryly. i went to reach down to touch himas i could tell how turned on he was he smiled devilishly taking my hands pinning them down on the bed the whispered im not letting you play just yet. i giggled at what he said i knew i could never resist him god he turned me on so hard i just wanted him all over me. after zak making love to me all night god i never lasted that long for him i was in shock he was a little too as i would besore and tender normaly after this time i was not and as we watched the sun rise i turned to him kissing him seeing how sleepy he was but i whispered to him that i felt as tho i was on fire needing him again more, he smiled and indulged me. i crawled over him hearing  HIm - my sweet 666 play.  he was sitting up in bed and i sat in his lap facing him we kissed more and he pulled back a moment whispering to me you sure you want more love, i nodded to him i whispered back take me love me . he did and for another 3 hours we made love.  if was almost 8 am before we curled up in eachothers arms naked it was a first for me to sleep this was. zak pulled the covers over us as we fell asleep.

when i woke looking at the clock it was going on 2pm and i looked over zak was not with me i knew he could only sleep a few hours at atime so i got up putting on my robe and walked out to the hall calling his name hearing nothing i looked out to see if he was outback with gracie but no luck. non of the cars where gone so after searching the house there was one last spot to look the doungen.  i knew how he felt about me going in there but i pushed the bookcase door open zak was sitting there alone in just sweats watching a movie.  zak i called, he turn sweetheart you know how i feel about you coming in here i nodded as he got up and walking over to me.  he came out and hugged me kissing the top of my head. lets get you somthing to eat he said with a smile you are eating for 6 now he chuckled. we walked in the kitchen to make lunch together and then just sat around the house watching movie and having a chill day.

I could have never dreamt of being saved by a better manWhere stories live. Discover now