anew year and a new start

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As Christmas came and we had invited everyone, meaning family and friends were coming over to have a Christmas slash New Year's celebration. On New Year's Eve, I helped Zack all day in the kitchen getting a grand Feast ready. It reminded me of when I was little watching all the adults in the kitchen making a really big meal during the holidays. I smile over at Zack watching him take the sweet potatoes from the fridge and start to prep them to make sweet potato casserole. I turned to ask him, so is there anything, in particular, you've been wanting for Christmas? I wasn't sure what to get you. Zak looked at me smiling.  Love all I want is you, that's all I ever need. Now that I have you in my life I really don't need or want for anything. As friends and family started arriving and the food was starting to come out of the oven, off the stove Etc, we all sat at the table with just about every inch covered with something. I sat next to Zach on his right side holding hands as we were all gathered together enjoying this wonderful meal and each other's company. When the next thing I know Zak stood up asking for everyone's attention. When all was a hush and he had everyone's attention he cleared his throat and then spoke. The last 8 months of having this beautiful lady by my side have been fantastic, better than I could have ever dreamed. She seems to know exactly how I like things. All likes and dislikes. She always seems to have a hot meal waiting for me in the evening, I hardly ever have to cook anymore let alone clean the house or do the laundry. I don't even have to make the bed and yet she takes care of me with no complaint no frustration even when I leave a wet towel on the floor. She's my world and as he turned me he got down on one knee and he took a little box out of his pocket opening it I gasped and he asked me if I would make him the luckiest man in the world and be his bride with tears streaming down my face I leaned hugging him telling him yes, I would be forever his. Now, mind you Zac was usually a man from what he had told me that moved quickly in relationships, and nine times out of 10 he was sleeping with women after the first few dates but we had had many talks of how I wanted to wait and for some reason, he and I just clicked perfectly and none of that mattered to him anymore. The rest of the evening was great we all sat around the Christmas tree in the living room on the floor after dessert and we all opened up our gifts one at a time I got Gracie a few things just cuz she's such a great little Pup and I saw a few items online that I thought Zack would like that would fit in his collection in the dungeon I even got him one of the first edition copies of Bram Stoker's Dracula hardbound cover he thought that was just about the greatest gift ever besides me saying yes.
As the next 3 months went by we were busy in the hustle and bustle of planning a wedding, our wedding we had set a date of October 31st and we couldn't be more overjoyed. We decided the guys and Zack were all going to wear black white and orange I was having my dress handmade with my own design. The bridesmaids are also in black and orange. We had to mix a bit of red in for my love and all the flowers were red and our cake was black red and orange.
As our wedding date quickly approached and all our planning started coming together. We had about 3 days till our wedding Zach came home from work I had dinner ready.  I made a very simple soup that was very warming on a chilly night. He came home with a beautiful flower arrangement when I turned to greet him I smiled brightly what's the special occasion for the flowers love? He smiled that cheeky smile that just makes me melt, just because I can for my love, He is such a sweetheart and always makes me smile I thanked him for the flowers as all of the flowers he brings me are always so beautiful. As I was putting the flowers in water. he stated that he had taken the next couple of days off. So he would be able to relax and help me relax as well, I was already starting to go crazy making sure all the little details for the wedding were going without a hitch. God forbid any kind of a monkey wrench got thrown into our day and screwed things up even the littlest thing.  I was a total bridezilla and Zak would be the first to admit it too. He never told me that I needed to calm down and just let things be he knew how important this day was to me. Instead, he would try to help in any way he could to make what was wrong right. As we sat and ate dinner and had a glass of wine Zach looked at me with that sweet cheeky smile again you know my love we have yet to pick out a honeymoon destination is there anywhere in particular you'd like to go, anywhere in the world. I looked over to him anywhere that involves me you and being utterly alone together for at least two weeks no phones no computers no social media of any kind for that matter no outside world just the two of us he smiled and said I think I have an idea do you trust me, love, I said would I marry you if I didn't and with that he ran off hiding in his office for about 2 hours, totally ignoring any of my pleads wanting him to open the door and let me in, but he didn't and when he did emerge he told  me that I will know our destination when we board the plane to leave or at least have an idea of where we are going. I smiled asking not even a hint?  Zac said, nope not till we get there it's a surprise.

The next day witch was 2 days to go till the wedding I had a long long list of things to do and Zak took me anywhere I needed to go and he was a man of promptness this was one day I was in no shape to drive. I had many things to check n double check on and then I had to go to an interview for a job. Also sign up for classes for the spring semester. Finally at about 530 pm we where stopped at a red light and I turned to zak what would you like me to make for dinner hun, he turned to me sweetie you are not cooking tonight im taking you out. You have been so busy today and all lets go to one of our little spots. I smiled not even trying to protest. After dinner we went home and each fell fast asleep knowing that the next day was going to be just as busy.

The next morning I was up bright and early showering and dressing . when I walked to the kitchen zak was in the kitchen cooking he was by the look of it all ready to go just shirtless. he did not see me so I asked him so um your shirt hun you need one as I giggled, nope I got one on the back of the chair in the living room my sweet. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him running my hands over his abs. he smiled then letting me know that him of so yummy pancakes where done and ready. we sat eating and I just stopped for a moment just looking at him across from me day dreaming. next thing I know I felt a kiss on my head witch brought me back to reality oh sorry love I was thinking, I can tell he said you where pretty deep in thought there all ok. yes just running over everything in my mind is all. we stood talking as Zak put all the dishes in the dishwasher and then started it and finished getting ready. As we walked out the door Zak opened my car door and helped me in so I could take my car ro do the things I needed to do he reminded me that my car was getting sent off for restoration tonight at 7pm the men would be buy to get it I frowned at the thought of someone I did not know working on my car zak knew how hard it is for me to let people I do not know even touch me car. Deep down thought I knew he would only have the best working on it. After all day running and getting all the dresses and making Shure all the touches that needed to be down where done and that zak had gotten the tux's for all the guys, I was headed home and one my way my phone rand I taped the alk Butten on the dash knowing it was zak calling I answered silly like and said a tickle for a nickel, hum is that all he said in response yes love just for you thought. well love I was calling beouse the car guys came early are you close um about 15 to 20 depending on the lights. but yes im on my way. ok see you soon love bye .

when I got home zak was helping me unload the car and even the car movers asked if they could help in anyway. after the car was loaded and gone zak and I took the trans am to the rehearsal once there all went well and there about 150 of us or so all together for the dinner man we took over half the restaurant that night. The night went a lot latter than planed by the time we could leave and go home all the guys said that Zak was getting snatched by them and taken out for a bachelor party I was a little taken back by this and felt like crying I was over tired and really needed sleep. zak told they guys that he needed to take me home before anything. while in the car on the way to the house he turned to me asking are you ok with me going out tonight, ya im fine I just hope you are ok tomorrow, zak turned to me after pulling in the drive and turning off the key.

I would do anything for you that is how much I love you anything you asked of me id do out of love. He took my hand would you like me to stay home. No you can go if you want it is up to you. I smiled kissing his cheek I dont want to hold you from a batchelor party with your friends you go and have fun just make sure you meet me at the altar on time mister. As we got out of the car and went in to the house he called the guys to pick him up and I got ready for bed as I did so and zak was in his room changing for his night out with  the guys, he came in my room to tuck me in and then I turned to ask, did you notice no one offered a batchloret party?  zak frowns shrugging I'm not sure my love but if you want I can stay home and  strip for you,  I giggle saying no it's ok. Oh so you don't want to see my hard abs and sexiness zak says giving me a devilish smile,hearing the guy show up to get zak for there night out, he kisses my forehead pulling the covers up over my shoulder. next I know I hear the guys walk in the front door yelling for zak to come out and stop hiding. He kissed me good night and whispered see you at the church on time.

I could have never dreamt of being saved by a better manWhere stories live. Discover now