a new chapter of life

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As we all sat eating and enjoying each other's company I sat back and listened to the guys talking back and Forth about the next location of investigation. I tapped Zach on the shoulder and mentioned that their next location was in my hometown Omaha Nebraska I asked him exactly where are you investigating to see if I can recall the location or not when he told me it did not really sound familiar I knew the area of town it was called The Old Market but I didn't know of the actual building in particular that they were going to be investigating when Billy realized that I had said that they were going to my hometown all the guys got to look and said why don't you come with us it's your hometown and when we're not busy with the investigation lockdown you could show us around maybe even recommend a good place or two to eat I laughed and said sorry I can't go with you can't get out of my duties at the base right now but I can always look online for some things and send recommendations from afar all the guys agreed that would be okay too when we were finished eating we all got up to leave and I got in Zach's car with Zach so that he could take me home on our way to my place Zac brought up the dreaded question I really didn't want to talk about at least at that moment he asked so are you going to sign them or not I knew what he was talking about he wanted to know if I was going to reenlist I let out a big sigh and asked could you give me at least one to two days to think about it this is a big part of my life and if I sign I lose you but if I don't in a sense I'll be lost with what to do with my life and my sense of purpose Zach smiled sweetly to me and agreed that I could have a few days to think it over and he did say to me if you need help just to talk things over about it I'm here for you and reached over and took hold of my hand leasing our fingers together tightly and you leaned over as he drove down the road kissing me on the cheek to me the things he said and did and how they made me feel we're all new to me I'd never experienced the sincerity and what felt like love from another person in this manner in all my life hell I never even had a boyfriend before and for that matter I was still a virgin never even made out with a guy yeah some say I'm a goody-goody but I had made promises to myself that I really wanted to save my body for that one person that I would give myself to for eternity
The next day I got a text from Zack that totally brightened my day and made me smile when I was already having a hell day at work it said just a little note to say I care and I'm thinking of you have a wonderful Sunshine Day I smiled so deep at the sight of his message and my coworkers knew something was completely different even though it was none of anybody's business send a little message back thanks for making me smile you've totally turned my day around just by knowing you're thinking of me you've been on my mind a lot too are you busy tonight?? Dinner maybe?? Few minutes later a response would love your company for dinner what sounds good? I typed back not sure what I'm really in the mood for could we maybe just do a movie at your place and some takeout if you find the movie I'll grab the takeout on the way there. Zach yeah there's a little place not too far from my house I could place an order now to have ready at a certain time for you to pick up if you'd like me to arrange it, that'd be great I told him what kind of dish I really liked and gave him a few options and also told him the side items that were some of my favorites so I said from those you can just surprise me I'll pick up the order on my way to your place he sent a message back with the total for the order$46.71 do you need me to give you some cash when you get here just need to know so I can stop and pick up some cash from the bank if I need to give you anything as I don't usually carry cash on me I said no my treat for everything you've already done for me it's the least I can do. Cool see you at 6 or so.
When I got done around 4:30 or so ran home quick showered changed into some comfy leggings and a big baggy cute shirt with some little hiking boot looking boots and a cute scarf around my neck the whole ensemble was just black and red in color Zach's favorite also don't forget the black and red panty bra set. When I looked at the clock it was 5:38 p.m. I freaked crap I got to hurry as I walked out the door I quickly shot Zach a text on my way running a bit late. He replied okay no problem see you soon. I tried to take the quickest route possible and get the food before it got cold as I knew it was already going to be ready when I got there when I ran in to pick up the food I handed them $55 and dashed for the car again. Zack's Place was only about a mile and a half up the road when I got to the lights to turn into the community that Zack lived in I had to stop at a red light just then I got a text I am waiting laugh out loud my stomach is screaming at me where's my food I shot him a reply back just outside your door see you in 2 or less. When the light turned green I turned into the gate area showed my ID and the security guard let me right in telling me to have a wonderful evening. I gave him a smile and said you do the same. Up 30 seconds later I pulled into Zack's driveway. I grabbed my purse phone food looked around the car didn't need anything else so dashed for the front door just as I went to knock on the door it's swung open finally he said you bring my food I giggled yes I have your food you goofball how do you have the movie it's like we were making some Exchange you have what I want I have what you want on the count of three and we both giggled when I told him that. As we sat and ate we watched The NeverEnding Story he chuckled and asked I hope this movies okay I thought I'd get a little bit of a classic something a little calmer than what we watched the last time you were here I smiled this is perfect I haven't seen this movie since I was a kid and I never mind trading off what kinds of movies we see cuz I'm never really in the same kind of movie mood two times in a row At least I've never really been. When the movie ended and we had been done eating I reached for my bag and I pulled out a folder with some paperwork in it I asked Zach if we could sit and talk some of a bit of a more serious conversation he said yeah sure what's on your mind and I looked at him I said you know how I feel about both sides of the coin on this subject he nodded I said this is the paperwork I have to turn it in tomorrow it's the last day to do this part of me wants both but I know I can't have both but on a side note being a nurse in active duty military there's a possibility that I can submit an application to do my job as a civilian I just have to go through the rehiring process on the civilian side Zach beamed give it a shot you've already been there on the military side of things so try the process and work civilian you could maybe even make more money this way to he said then we can have what I feel is a true relationship not a long-distance one he said I do have a guest room if you would like to use that as your room I understand I don't want to force you to do something you're not ready to do like share a room with me what we're living together because I want our relationship to develop naturally not be forced in any way I smiled stepping in closer to him reaching for a hug with all this swimming in my head he turned his face a little as he hugged me and kissed me on the lips for the first time and in doing so that solidified the choice I needed to make..
I took out the paperwork filled it out for what I wanted to do signed and dated then I looked at Zach can I borrow your computer for a minute yeah sure it's just upstairs in the office. I followed Zach into his private office any unlocked the computer for me I sat down and went online and started filling out the application to do my job as a civilian as I did this we sat and talked and looking through his phone Zach found a few other places that were hiring for the job that I did so I sent off my resume filled out applications to a few other places in the Las Vegas area I could work in more than just hospitals I could work in clinics alongside Physicians. That night sitting with Zack between applications and sending resumes I applied for about 20 positions in the area that were all within about 30 minutes of Zacks house. When it was getting late and I had started to yawn Zack asked would you like to crash here for the night or do you really feel up to going home I said I should go home as I have work in the morning and I have to do this meeting with this paperwork also I said once this is submitted I will only have to finish up the contract that I am in now. Zack asked so how much longer do you have left, about two and a half months three months at the most.
The next morning at work after I had already submitted my withdrawal paperwork so that I could exit the military I got a text from Zack when would you like to start moving in I'm only asking to get an idea so we are both on the same page I sent a reply back I live in a one-bedroom apartment I don't really have a whole lot and most of what I have I could honestly get rid of so donate or sell . The really only few bigger items that I'd like to keep are My Hope Chest with all my little doodads and it like pictures and paperwork also my curio cabinets with my mom's Collectibles that I've kept over the years my china cabinet it's been handed down throughout the family for generations also my mom's China I really want to keep and my rocking chair that has also been handed down for many generations in my family otherwise I just have clothes personal items my electronics TV computer stereo and then like blankets and bedding and stuff like that no sense in getting rid of that kind of stuff and towels so on so forth. Zach replied sweetheart if you want to keep everything that you have we will find a place for it and or a use for it if you don't want to get rid of things I'm not going to make you at least not until you're ready. I messaged back well how about a month before my exit date we start slowly moving things over and then I can maybe also start staying a few nights here and there with you between now and my exit date so that we can kind of get used to being around each other full-time he stated back I do have a lockdown or two between now and your exit date so if you wanted to stay at the house at least one of those times to take Care of Gracie for me that would be awesome then you would know what it's like to have the house all to yourself while I'm away for work I replied let me know what dates you'll be gone and I'll see if I can do that for you as in the base being 30 minutes away I'd have to make more allotted time to get back and forth.
The next two and a half months flew by it was about two weeks before my exit date and Zack and I had planned I'm just getting a small moving truck and just moving all my things into his place and the stuff I didn't want I was just going to donate to the Base Thrift Shop good morning that Zack in the guys came over to help me move I had everything divided in the dining room I had pretty much everything I wanted to keep that was packed up all together in there. So first off I ask the guys let's go room by room and get all the donate items out of each room as we go into the truck and go drop those off we started off in the bedroom taking the bed dresser lamps and desk and got those in the truck next the kitchen table and chairs the TV trays then taking down all of the artwork that I didn't want to keep well the guys took out that list of stuff I took everything in the kitchen that I didn't want and had it all packed in boxes a few of my friends were over here helping me pack so they knew what I wanted and didn't want from the kitchen and packed it accordingly the stuff I wanted to keep they put in the keep section of the dining room the rest of the guys were given to take To the truck One of my friends had everything in the bathroom all packed up for me And now was just a living room items that I needed to sort out Zach's it off to the side My rocking chair I'm taking great care and moving it forMe As he knew how important it was. The guys took the couch End tables lamps Coffee table And a few boxes of odds and ends Close up the truck And we drove it to the other side of the base to drop it off Luckily when we got there they had people at the thrift store There to unload The gifts we had for them They gave me a donating tax receipt For my taxes And we were on our way. When we got back to my place My friends that had stayed behind Head completely scrubbed and cleaned the apartment Except for the dining room since it was loaded with all my keep things Everyone carefully picked up something And took it out to the truck loading it up We had it loaded in about 40 minutes Gathered are things cleaned the dining roomAnd then locked up the apartment ready to goNow This apartment wasn't cheapI paid 800 a month For this place And My security deposit Was $1,200 when I moved in It was one month's rent And a cleaning fee As we drove Over to Zach's To unload the truck We held hands the whole way Talking giggling making plans But I did tell him That I had a question He said sure you can ask me anything sweetheart We're a team And teams work together I took a deep sigh What if I don't get a job right away And don't have any income He smiled Well I think you can get unemployment for a little while So that'll give you at least A few months Of income coming in Of some kind But On the thought of having a job soon enough Let's just take things a day at a time I smiled and nodded Okay that sounds good to me.
After the first two to three months of living together Things were going splendidly I was there to help take care of the house and Gracie When Zack had to be away for work and lockdowns. And I was also a second set of hands for Zack Helping with house chores Laundry And he even had a hot meal waiting for him in the evening when he came home. It was starting to become Christmas time And we've been dating For about 8 months But I've been living with him For almost 3. One Friday night Just before Christmas I mentioned I paid $800 month for my old place and my security deposit was $1,200 when I moved one months rent and a damage cleaning deposit witch I had not gotten back or even got a letter of as to why. Zak looked up at me asking did you update your address hun or give them the address to the house? I ran my hand through my hair frustrated, Yes i did i also called them but have not gotten a return call. Hmmmm well ill stop at there office on my way in to work and see for you if you want me to Zak asked. If you do not mind i told him.

The next evening when Zak came home walking in to the londry room where i was folding a few things that came out of the dryer, when i turned to see him i jumped a mile it felt like. He laughed wow did i spook you, Yes you did mister he pulled me in to a hug then pulling what looked like mail out fo his back pocket this is for you my lady smiling. As i went through all the was mine it was just two thing the first was a letter from a job i applyed for wanting me to come in for a interview the next week. i screeched yelling ZAK ZAK ZAK OMG look hun. he took the letter reading it, great hun im happy for you this is a great thing. he kissed me, did you see what ealse i got you he was pointing to the other letter. i turned taking it and opened it, it was a check for $2800 omg it was from my old landlord. Zak i said they wrote this for too much, no love they gave you back first last months rent with the deposit. wow i was in shock but knew it ws going to be a big help with the holidays coming.

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