Our Honeymoon

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After gathering our things and taking the short drive to the airport we boarded a privet jet. I Turned to Zak this is just for us, he hugged me this is the best kept secret this is out privet jet we own this.  Marrying zak I was not looking for his riches money fame or any of that all I wanted was him and his love.  I smile to him we could have nothing just eachother and that is all I would ever need. 

As we flew the skys and the long day made my body want to give in  to sleep I cuddled up to zak as he was reading over a few things on his phone, he turns to me whisper tired my love, I nod he then reaches under the seats pulling out a blanket unfolding it and covering us and then pulling me on to his lap he reclined the seat back and I snuggled in to him sleeping in his arms blissfully. 

I awoke suddenly feeling off zak not next to me, I get up the hear him come from the cabin after talking to the captain.  he walks up behind me wrapping his arms around me kissing my neck, I pull away sharply telling him to stop. he looked at me puzzled is everything ok he asked.  I just do not want to be touched ok I snapped.  This was so not like me and he knew this.  he looked to me as if he was going to cry like I hurt him deep down to his soul.  After going in the restroom I came out to find him sitting eyes closed singing one of my favorite songs by pink - walk me home. I sat next to him reaching over taking his hand he took his free hand taking off his headphones looking in to my eyes. I started to cry telling im sorry for snapping at you zak when I woke something did not feel right in me like I was someone ealse. I then saw a look of fear in his eyes then muttering no I couldn't have happened.  he stood up kissing the top of my head, ill brb he said to me.  when he came back he came back handing me a rosery and then taking holy water and making the cross on my head.  it burned when he did I screeched. it was at that moment he knew his fear was true. one of the spirits had entered me that hung around the house. As soon as the plane landed and we got in to an SUV he reached over holding my hand tight telling me that he was going to take care of me and not to worry no matter what happened.

We went straight to a church where the father there and Zak knew each other well they hugged and zak talk to him away from me for a moment and then they both approached me.  It was then that anger started to take over me I suddenly wanted to hurt zak I told him not to come any closer or id hurt him I did not sound like myself he knew it was the evil spirit that had taken me. Both zak and father took me to a room and sat me down, zak started to kneel down by me praying as father started to draw out the demon from with in me . After what felt like an eternity I woke up not knowing I passed out, zak was carrying me bridle style. as I opened my eyes I groaned he looked down at me where are we I asked, the hotel well be in our suit in a minuet.  

As we entered out room he layed me down on a huge bed then leaning over me kissing me before turning to get our bags from the bellboy and giving him a tip and loking the door to the room. he turned walking back to me we were still in our wedding clothes,  I sat up a bit as he sat next to me I reached out for him he took me in his muscular arms holding me tight. I tugged at his shirt kissing him. 

He layed me back on the bed hovering over me leaning in to kiss me back. I felt so small under him, he rose up a little taking his suit coat off and then his vest. I reched up starting to unbutten his shirt running a hand down his chest as he took his shirt off, suddenly I blushed and pulled away not sure really what to do suddenly, he smiles and in a hushed tone takig my hand holding over his heart, you feel that I smiled up at him nodding he smiled back its yours my love it beats only for you. I look up to him whispering zak looking deep in to his eyes, my voice shaky ive never been with anyone. His eyes grew wide then smiling its ok hun im honored youd alow me to have such a gift on our wedding night (really it was the day after).  he crawled up next toem pulling me close to him starting to kiss me running his hands down my back then slowly unzipping my dress as we lay there kissing he trailed kisses down my neck. Zak I whispered what do I do he leaned in close to my ear anything you want my love. He then stopped for a moment looking to me hun he said just let me take the lead if you want me to stop or anything just tell me I want you to enjoy this time as you'll never get back your first. as we sat there I slowly got up standing before him all he had on was if slacks. I slowly let me dress fall to the floor stepping out of it. then taking his hand crawling back over him straddling him as he sat in bed as I sat over him all I had on was lace panty's. I could feel a chill in the air and I shuttered zak then pulled me close to his bear chest. now I had seen him shirtless many times but this was different. zak slowly and gently started to touch me, he rolled me on to the bed starting to kiss down my body. then taking a hand reaching for my panty line I jumped a little he chuckled a little.  he slowly touched me and then I took his face in my hands he looked in to my eyes all I could say was his name and please. he then took the rest of his clothes off then pulling the covers over us and he lovingly made love to me for the first time. it made my first time feel like bliss. 


when I carried her in to our room and lay her on the bed all I wanted to do was take her right then and there but in the back of my mind I knew she had never been with any guy in this way. I wanted to make it a good thing for her as we made out and she undressed before me.  then hearing her say my name and then just please I knew all to well what she was asking for me to do.  I then took my pants off and then my underwear tossing them to the floor.  I then ever so gently and lovingly made love to her for the first time. after hours I took my bride in my arms holding her close to me kissing her on the forehead. we fell asleep till about 6 am the next morning.

the next morning we woke, zak was laying there awake he had been watching me sleep.  I softly asked him how long he had been watching me, he kissed me not long. he said he was going to get a shower then we could go get some food and do some site seeing.  as he got up I saw him all in the buff I turned super red and covered me face.  it all came to me he is all mine.  

as we got something to eat I realized we where in Romania. zak took me to see so many neat things and tought me so so much.  the week of our honeymoon went by so fast, the last night we had planed on getting sleep as we had sucha early flight home, but I had other thoughts. I turned over in bed reaching for zak who was half asleep, he was laying on his side so I faced him starting to kiss him starting down his neck and on down his chest.  he mumbled a little babe you should be asleep he said , I whispered I cant tho I need you almost begging like a child like voice. he pulled me in and let me keep kissing him and I could tell he was getting more in the mood too. 

the morning alarm   came to soon , I shook zak love we need to go the alarm went off he groaned kissing me good morning, I ran to get a quick shower and dressed in leggings a crimson red with a sports bra and off shoulder top that was pretty long with a v neck cut in front and back and then put my hair up in a French bread and then my spike thigh high boots when I was ready to go zak was dressing in tight black jeans and a tight gray t-shirt that showed off all his muscles. as I looked at him lost in love I heard him say danm mm mm you look hot sure we don't have a little time till we have to go as he pulled me in  to a hug.  I shook my head nope not this time love put ill be in your bed from tonight till forever more. 

we then left for our flight to head home.  as we took off zak asked me when do you start your new job  in two weeks I told him.  so well have time to settle in to a ruteen. when you go on your next investigation? Zak said he had to fly out in a few days and he would be gone  a week.  I could stop by the museum and take care of anything you need or want me to he smiled jumping and then saying I have an idea why don't you be my personal fill in when the guys and I have to go on investigations, like what hun I asked.  You could help run everything when im away and then help me as my assistant is moving away and I was going to look for a new one but if you wanted to do that for me then that saves us that money each month, oh so you could pay me for it then hmmm I said jokingly.  If you want hun I could give you what I paid her and then you can have your own cash to do what you want with as I know how you don't like to feel like you have to ask me for money for things. I kissed him id do it with out the money babe we are a team.

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