not sure of my reality

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As i wake my site fuzzy i see a figure i could tell dressed in all black i gasp for air, then i hear his voice the voice of an angle.  Shhhh its ok your in the hospital your ok hun just rest. Zak I ask, mhmm yes your still with me. yes he said i have not left you for the last 2 days.  I started to panic two days i should have reported back to my commander already im going to get a LOR and get such shit for this.  Zak takes my hand holding it tight i feel him kiss it then say its all taken care of, I am sorry i went through your phone and called any number i thought would help after seeing you millitary ID. Everything has been taken care of and all is reported i am updating you commander anytime i know anything new. i take a big sigh close my eyes so can i ask why you stayed.  Well i could never leave a fellow investigator that has fallen behind in the line of duty to fend on there own. we both busted out giggling. 

The next day i was allowed to go home but i was told i could not be alone so zak took the discharge papers from the dr. before i could and said well your staying with me. I really did not see what he saw in me i was child like in my looks and even tho i was very much of age i looked much like i was in my pre teens. i had dark brown hair down to my shoulder blades, hazal eyes, and was like a 36 c, 28 waist,32 hips i was scrawny at least that is what all the other men i had ever met had told me.

As we exited the hospital and out to zaks car, he gently helped me out of the wheel chair  and in to the car. As he shut the door and i fastened my belt, zak walked around the car to his side getting in and starting it up looking over to me any requests for what you want to listen to i shook my head what ever you play is fine.  Ok then where to to get your meds well i can get them at the base if you do not mind driving all that way. Not at all he smiled well then we can stop and get you a few things youll need for a few days too then. After the long drive to the other side of vegas we reached the base we pulled up to the gate i showed my id and then we stopped and got zac a visitor tag for his car. we then went to the pharmacy to drop of the scripts to get my meds filled and then went to get my things from my place while i waited for the meds to get filled. We also stopped in to give the medical documents to my commander so that i could be granted the leave time i needed to heal and also give them the contact info of where i would be staying. 

After double checking  that i had everything i needed we set off to Zak's home. As we where driving he turned to me would you mind if we stopped at the store to get a few things i realy do not have much as i have been away on lockdowns so i need to stock up. I nodded with a smile ya sure that is fine then i can get a few snacks n stuff too. Knowing that Zack ate a very healthy diet . I got so much I wanted to make sure I had a few things that I knew I would like.  When we got the store we decided to each take a direction get what we needed as sort of meat and the middle to check out. Looking at the items he had chose he'd got some really good stuff to make some great meals and looking at what I had.  I had little microwavable things just to keep things easy for me. oh and a big thing of ice cream which happened to be his favorite kind. We decided to check out and continue heading to his house. 

When we got to zaks home I realized how private he really kept his life by living in a gated community as sort of our remote area of town.  as he pulled his car into the garage and turned off the engine he told me to go ahead and go in and make myself comfortable and he would bring everything in from the car I asked him if he wanted some help and he smiled and said no that I've had enough activity for that day and I should get some rest and put my feet up. So I did as told and went in and sat down to a really comfy couch. After Zack came and sat next to me from bringing in everything from the car he asked if there was anything in particular that I wanted to watch on tv. I asked him if he had any good movies he smiled and said do you like Dracula movies I smiled but of course only Bram stoker's Dracula will do. He laughed with a big smile while I got just what you want then. As we sat on the couch watching the movie with a big bowl of popcorn between the two of us we suddenly realized how late it really was I started yawning and then realized I was laying my head on zaks shoulder he turned to me just a bit and asked if I'd like to get some sleep ya sounds great and some pain meds too. The last dose is really starting to wear off. Zak got up and went into the kitchen and a moment later came back with a glass of water and my meds. With a smile , here you are my lady which made me giggle. There was just something about him something I couldn't put my finger on but yet in a way I knew my life was totally about change so much for the better. As zak helped me up I followed him to the guest room. I hope this is comfortable for you he said I nodded this will do just fine. I thanked him helping me and he gave me  hug and kiss on the cheek good night I said he nodded with a smile and close the door behind him as he walked out. 

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