1 year

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as I sat in the back of the car the picked me up I realized it was pulling in the museum I was a little confused a bit.  I got out to see zak walking out to me, he pulled me in to a hug kissing me with a fired passion =. mmmm this was the zal I knew so well. god he smelled good and his muscles engulfing me in to him.  I hope you are ok with what I have planed I nodded even though I have no idea what was about to happen.  we walked threw the halls back to a room that was closed of to the public he had candles lit every where. turning to me  the night you came to me saying you heard crying but I thought it was just a dream you had he went on.  he looked away taking in a shard breath, well I have been now hearing it for months I keep seeing a little girl follow me almost everywhere I go. looking to him puzzled we sat at the table and he turned on the spirit box calling out are you hear with me still a moment latter a child's voice said yes daddy im here, hi mommy. I gasped zak no it cant be. he looked to me zoe he spoke tell mommy what I did today. she spoke again tattoo. I looked to him knowing he would only get a tattoo that meant something significant in his life. she spoke again show mommy.  he turned undoing a few top buttons of his shirt to show me what he had put on his chest over his heart, zoe's tiny feet print on his chest with wings and a halo her name and dates with it all. I felt a hot tear run down my face as I reaches out my finger tips ever so gently touching it.  we sat there in silence for a few moments, zak stood up taking my hand taking me to his SUV and helping me in. he got is starting it up and he took me to one of the finest restraints. we had a great dinner talking and I felt like I was falling in love with him all over again. when we had gotten done we took a drive leaving the lights of Vegas behind up we stopped a top a tall his he pulled to the side of a road parking the suv and getting out walking to my side of the vehicle opening the door taking my hand he then said for me to stay where I was and went to roll all the windows down and played music from his phone threw the stereo system, walking back over to me pulling me in close I looked up to him as he started dancing with me to the music. he started to say something and I could feel him tense up under my touch you know he said passing for a moment we have not made love since before the kids came I nodded softly. I know I said I have just been so busy with the boys and everything I just have not felt ready to, I stopped for a moment looking away from his gaze he leaned down I know your scared that it will happen again and it has crossed my mind too baby.  I could hear the fear in his voice that id get pregnant again right away and he did not want me to go threw anything close to what we had just gone threw.  

he pulled me in to a tender kiss and I could feel myself melt in his arms. Zak I whispered I was silent a moment, make love to me. he looked to me deep in to my eyes hear now he asked I nodded. he picked me up effortlessly, wrapping my legs around him, he then pinning me to the side of the suv starting to hugely kiss my neck chest lips and so on. he took his shirt off throwing it in to the seat of the suv I ran my mails down his back moaning to have more of him. between each kiss he asked me you sure baby cuz omg I want you so bad. I moaned yes closing my eyes. he undid he pants a bit and realizing I had not put on any panties he trust in to me, I cried out intently ogasiming . he slowed his pace a bit feeling him slow down I begged him not to stop. he whisper im not I just don't want to hurt you, your not zak I didn't realize how much I need your touch. he then grabbed me ass trusting in and out of me and in moments we hit our peak together he groaned as I moaned loudly I smiled as he stood there holding me. after a few moments he put me down I could still tell he was hard and realy was not done he could last hours, as he stood ther kissing me shirtless he fixed himself and I looked in his eyes why did you stop did I do something wrong zak I ask hugging me tight again he whispered no I just do not want to hurt you. I would not know till latter what he meant by that. as we got back in the suv to go home I tried to sit close to him but he would not hold my hand or touch me he just kept both hands on the wheel. we got home and when the guy saw zak walk in and go straight to the dungeon and they got up without a word following him I knew something was ever so wrong. 

after check in the boys an bidding zak's mom good night I went up to shower and get so pj's on. before I got in to bed I went to the living room to get my phone I sent Aaron a text what the hell on going on and sent it. a moment latter I heard the guys emerge. zak would not even look at me he just went upstairs and the guys looked to me Aaron saying if you need anything call me right away. then they left to go home. I went up to our room where I found zak pacing back n forth around our room in almost a whisper I said his name. he glared at me. then turning to the wall he punched his fist threw it. ZAK I yelled, he turned and spoke almost starting to yell at me you even know why I stopped tonight, you said you did not want to hurt me but I do not understand you were not hurting me. he looked to the floor something has a hold of me and just about could not stop fucking you it was trying to get me to hurt you it wanted me to turn what I was doing something so good in to something id never wish on anyone. I now knew what he was saying it wanted him to rape me and beat me black n blue. I took his hand and he sharply pulled it away zak you didn't though, Trin I almost did though. he doped to his knees sobbing. I sat next to him zak I love you and I know this  is not you.  

the next morning I got up early to feed the boys and as I was doing so zak came in to the nursery sleepily need help he asked , I smiled can you take josh I think he is wanting you he wont feed for me again, zak took him talking to him hay little man you giving mommy a hard time that is daddy's job I sat in the rocking chair I watched him walk to josh, I got up walking over to zak leaning down to kiss him and I eft the room to  get dressed. a few moments latter zak came in hay babe yes I said im so so sorry about last night I ruined it for you all I wanted was to give you a great first anniversary and first night out away from the kids. 

we spent the rest of the day just playing with the boys and watching movies and cuddling close.


hay all if you are liking this let me know and if you have suggestions or anything let me know.

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