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Bloom's POV

Our hands were still tied behind us as we followed the boy. He suddenly stopped making me bump into him. He glared at me that I gladly returned.

"Take the Avatar to the main prison and the girl to chambers. And take this to my cabin, it will be a fine gift for my father." He ordered the gaurds holding us and passed Aang's staff to a kind looking fat, old man with a white beard. He bearly caught it before giving it to the soldier next to him.

"You wouldn't know of fathers, being raised by monks." He mocked Aang. I swear if my hands weren't tied I would have given this brat a piece of my mind.

The gaurds started dragging us in different directions. We shared a last look until I was yanked into a cell that came after descending a flight of stairs.

I sat in the cell and continously attempted to cut the rope tying my hands but this rope is a lot stronger and thicker than the last one, I even tried my fireblade but I only ended up with bruises.

Frustrated I stood up but suddenly the ship shook vigorously and I feel backwards.
I hit my head hard on the metallic wall of the cell and saw a wave of snow before I blacked out.

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