A Stupid Interrogation

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Bloom's POV

Contact with something cold and wet made me get out of my unconsciousness. I opened my eyes and blinked to find an unfamiliar surrounding. Suddenly yesterday's events flooded through my mind. And I hastly sat up to be greeted by non other than Mr. Flamehead and that too with a glare.

"Where is Aang?" I blurted out, my voice was raspy from not using it for sometime. He looked clearly annoyed by my question but answered anyway, "He escaped." On hearing this I felt wave of relief wash over me but also a pang of sadness that he left me here.

But there was no way I was going to let it show. I smirked. "What are you smirking for? Aren't you sad that your 'friend' left you?" He asked clearly doubting my sanity. "No because at least the avatar is out of your fire nation clutches." My answer made him even more furious but for some reason I was enjoying teasing him.

I could practically see fumes coming from his nose and ears. I took it as a cue to stop my teasing.

"So what the heck do you want from me??" I was getting annoyed.
"For a girl you sure have a foul mouth." He spat back totally ignoring my question.
I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"I'll take that as a compliment. Now answer my question." My thin patience was clearly not helping the situation.
"I want some answers." His tone getting rougher. "And they would be?" My voice was laced with venom clearly not liking the topic.

"Who are you? How can you bend both water and fire? Are you the Avatar? Why is your fire blue? Do you know where is the Avatar headed?" He spoke all this with lightning speed clearly wanting to piss me off, but me being stubborn as I was didn't give him the satisfaction.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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