Chapter 11

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Chapter dedication: To expelliurmus789 for her constant support! x

The next day my mum and Dora visit us after breakfast. I am feeling almost fine and the lump on my forehead is barely noticeable so my mum is content. She talks to me about the most random things in existence while Alex watches Dora's favorite TV show with her. After a while I decide to do some baking so I get up and go into the kitchen and my mum follows me. She starts to help me with the baking and randomly asks, "So how serious are you about Alex?"

I stop pounding the dough and look up at her, she is observing me closely. I cannot lie to her about this because I myself do not know the answer. I like Alex but I am not sure if he feels the same. And come on, who am I kidding? He will be leaving as soon as he finds the goddamned thing. We can't have anything together even if we want to.

"Mum, there is nothing going on between us. He is my tenant and a friend. That's all."

"That's all? I don't think so." She starts to break the eggs in a bowl.

I lean against the counter wiping my hands with a wipe and ask, "What do you mean?"

"I totally see the way your eyes light up when you look at him. You skins glows when you are around him. Your smile is hundred times more cheerful." She says pursing her lips a bit.

"Ewww, so cheesy." I say laughing.

"Call it cheesy or buttery, I am telling the truth."

"OK. Whatever." I roll my eyes.

My mum starts drumming on the counter to sing a cheesy '60s song.

"Love is In the Air 

Love is in the air everywhere I look around

Love is in the air every sight and every sound 

Love is in the air, love is in the air, oh, oh, oh, oh, uh, 

Uh, uh, uh. 

Love is in the air, in the rising of the sun,

Love is in the air, when the day is nearly done

Love is in the air, love is in the air, oh, oh, oh, oh, uh, 

Uh, uh, uh."

"Stop it, mum!" I play shout.

She laughs and shrugs at me.


After lunch Angela comes to pick Dora.

"We have an appointment with her doctor today."She explains.

"Mum, I don't want to go." Dora whines.

I kneel down next to her and say, "Shush honey, I will ask mommy to bring you tomorrow, okay?"

She just pouts.

I look up at Angela and she nods. Alex picks up Dora and says soothingly, "We will play hide and seek tomorrow, okay? Now be a good girl and visit the doctor."

Dora finally smiles and slides down, taking Angela's hand. My mum also leaves along with them and I am once again left with Alex to ponder over the goddamned thing.

"This thing is annoying me now. I don't like the waiting." I say going into the living room after him.

He laughs, "Ask me about it."

We spend some time talking about it but when nothing comes out of it, he just leans his head back on the sofa and closes his eyes. My mobile phone starts to ring and I get up to see who it is. The caller ID says Max.

That goddamned thingWhere stories live. Discover now