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I open the door to my room running toward the closet. Angela is coming over and I quickly need to change out of my work clothes which are very uncomfortable. I look at the clock and it is half past five. She will be here any minute.  I open the closet and take out a pair of vintage blue jeans and a peach color top. I throw them on my unmade bed and try to find something to tie my hair.

I open the dressing table drawer throwing everything around as I struggle to take out a band. I hear a heavy clink and look down to see a golden biscuit lying on the floor. I stop dead in my tracks. It's been months since I saw it. I smile down at it and pick it up, looking closely at it. It has the logo of Army from World War 1. I smile as I recall the events which made me get hold of this medal.

It's been 5 years since the day Alex gave me the medal. I remember his words vividly "I love you, Cara. And I am grateful to this medal for making our union possible." I smile widely as I remember his words. We moved back to England shortly as Alex didn't want to live in Villarcayo anymore. He said that it would remind him of his family if he stayed there and to move on, he wanted to move away. He left the beautiful house to Sally and we even visited her twice in the past 5 years. After coming back to England, I finished my thesis and started working as an operations manager in MASH. Alex started working in a vet clinic and eventually opened his own clinic. We bought a new house together 3 years ago as he proposed me and we got married just a few months after.

"Cara, where are you?" I hear Angela calling out to me and realize that I am sitting on the floor beside the dressing table staring at the medal which changed my life. I carefully get up and place the medal on the top of the dressing table.

"I will be there in a minute." I shout back as I rub the tears away from my eyes. I didn't realize that I have been crying.

I quickly change out of my uncomfortable clothes and splash my face before going out.

"Hello darling." I say hugging Angela and taking her three years old son from her arms. He is a beautiful baby with black hair and green eyes, just like his mother. He squeals as I try to hug him and starts to pull my hair. "Someone is moody today" I say laughing as I hand him back to Angela and we go to the kitchen to eat something.

After much thinking and reassuring from Jacob, Angela finally decided to have a kid. At first they were scared that he would be like Dora but after all the necessary tests, they were reassured that he was not. We were all thankful and Angela was finally back to lead a normal life.

"Where is Rosie?" She asks me, as I am putting the kettle on the stove.

"Daddy is bringing her from the nursery." I say looking out of the kitchen window.

As if on cue, I hear a car coming to a stop outside. I know the sound of the car too well to be in doubt. Gleefully, I open the front door and see my husband carrying our two years old daughter in his arms. He is whispering something in her ear and she seems to be enjoying it as she is smiling her face off. As they approach me, I take Rosie from his arms and she squeals but hugs me tightly.

"Welcome home, babe." I say as Alex gives me a kiss.

I carry Rosie toward the kitchen as Alex heads off to change. Angela takes Rosie from me which she gladly accepts. They seem to have a strong Aunt-Niece bond. Angela loves her and always seems to be holding her when they are both in the same room. She says that she loves her brown curls but I am sure there are more reasons behind her attachment to Rosie, and I gladly let her cuddle her. I look down at my daughter her blue eyes shining just like her dad. I lean down and kiss her and the leave the kitchen so that Angela can have some alone time with her.

As I enter my room, I see Alex holding the medal. He looks at me, his eyebrow raised. I can see in his eyes that he has been thinking about the same thing as me.

"I came across it earlier. It brought back quite a few memories." I say, putting my arms around his torso.

"Te amo." He says kissing my forehead.

"Te amo también" I whisper back. I have learnt Spanish from him in the past few years. He left his country for me; I didn't want him to leave his native language for me. I had been quicker in learning the language and it surprised him as I started arguing with him in Spanish one day. As soon as he realized, he called off the argument and scooped me up in his arms twirling me around laughing his head off and shouting over and over again, "You are arguing with me in Spanish." I noticed that I had been and had started laughing as well, the argument forgotten.

So here I am, happy with my little world and my perfect little family. We have our little arguments and our little fights, but at the end of the day we are there to support each other and face the mayhem that we call life. I love him and he loves me and we are happy together.

                                                                                THE END

Author's Note:

Thank you to everyone who read and supported/ voted this story. I really appreciate your constant feedback.

Do tell me what you think of the overall story and if you have found any loophole while reading it, do inform me so that I can fix it! :)

And if you have any suggestion for the cast, do tell me :)


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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