Chapter 15

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I inform my parents about my decision and they agree wholeheartedly with me. My boss, as always, makes a fuss but since we got the project and she is busy with the recruitment department for the time being and there is not much for the consultant department to do at the moment, she agrees after a little convincing from Max.

I am bereft and grieving but I know this is the right decision. Alex on the other hand, is very excited about me going with him and he doesn't bother to hide his excitement. He bounces around the flat, poking his nose in everything and offering to help but I just shoo him away. I am relieved because I don't want to be reminded of my worries – particularly those including Dora. I am taking this break for a purpose and I mean to fulfill it. He occasionally gives me a pat or a cuddle to make sure I am alright and I just smile up at him.

I don't have much to pack because all my stuff is already packed from the shifting. I just shift clothes from one bag to another to be taken away and put away the others. I don't bother unpacking because I don't have time. We are leaving on Wednesday because we have to reach Portsmouth by Thursday morning. I want to unpack when I come back and hopefully start a new beginning.

"We have to catch the train which leaves in 2 hours if you want to catch the ship tomorrow, Cara." He says when it is around 1 pm on Wednesday.

"What if we drive all the way to Portsmouth?" I ask.

"Then we have to start right now because the traffic is unpredictable." He says looking at his watch.

"Well, I am ready." I say and head to the room to pick up my bags.

He comes after me and says, "Are you sure you want to drive all the way to Portsmouth?"

I nod. "I want some quiet. We can take shifts while driving." I say simply.

He nods and picks his own bag from the living room. I pass him mine and go around the house locking it away. I take a little longer than necessary to check the windows and the doors and go down the stairs to the parking lot. Alex is waiting by the car.

"What took you so long?" He asks, getting in the driver's seat.

I move toward the passenger's door. "I was just making sure that another burglar won't be waiting for me when I come back." I say winking at him.

He laughs and starts up the engine.

"I have talked to Derrick and he will arrange for the car to be taken care of while you are in Spain." He says as we are exiting Emporium building.

I just nod and look out of the window.

We are quiet through most of the journey while he is driving. I watch as the skyscrapers turn to small buildings and then as we move towards the highway, an occasional hut here and there. Looking out at the beautiful green stretches, taking in the beauty of it, we speed out of London, leaving it behind and with the passing time, I feel the weight on my shoulders lessening too.

Its been four hours before we stop for a gas fill-up. I look at the map while Alex is out filling the tank.

"There is a small hut about four miles from here. I think we shall stop there for tea." I say after he gets in the car. He nods and we start off stopping only when we reach the hut.

It is a tiny place located at the bottom of a hill, its brown color against the lush green hill makes it a perfect spot for tea. We take in the beauty of the scenery while waiting for tea. I look around at Alex and he is staring out at the green stretches on the other side of the road.

"Weird, how time and situations change." I say after the waiter brings in tea and leaves.

He looks up at me, his eyebrows raised, "Weird?"

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