Chapter 17

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Eric presses me hard to tell him where the medals are and even though a lot of times I half make up my mind to tell him, I cannot bring myself around to do it after I think of Alex. He trusted me with them and I cannot just let them go. If Alex had wanted the medals to be found, he would have told the men already. I cannot betray him.

On what seems like the fourth day, I hear the lock click open and sit up straight pulling my knees to my chest, alert for whatever Eric will have to say now. But as I look up it isn't Eric I am looking at. A tall man with dark hair and light blue eyes almost runs into the room.

"Cara, we have to run." He says in his pure Spanish accent. Even though he is almost out of breath, he says it gently. He comes toward me and holds out his hand.

"Who are you?" I ask not taking his hand.

"Cara, there is no time for explanation. We have to go. Now." He says gently.

"Who are you?" I ask again as sternly as I can dare.

"I am Alexander's father." He says calmly.

Alex's father. What the hell is he doing here? The father who abandoned Alex and his mum, came to rescue us when we were kidnapped from the ship? I look up at the man and surely he has Alex's eyes, the same shade of blue but they are cold – unreadable.

"Where is Alex?" I ask a little less sternly.

"He is out in the corridor. We don't have time Cara. Come on." He says urgently taking my arm.

I don't know whether to trust him or not. Why didn't Alex come to fetch me? But do I have any other choice other than going with this man who claims to be Alex's father? No, I don't. I slide from my bed, feeling the metal dig in my feet and take off with the man.

He leads me out of the room and into the narrow corridor which leads to the great hall of the mansion. As we exit through the small door into the hall I see several men with guns pointing them at Eric, his boss and several other men who are leaning down on the floor. I look around and see Alex holding a gun and pointing it at a man with dirty blonde hair. He flings the gun to his dad who catches it and points it at the man instead.

I feel tears stream down my face as Alex embraces me; his arms full of bruises, his upper lip cut and a wild look in his eyes. He holds my face in his hands and looks at my left cheek which is swollen due to Eric's punches. His brow furrows and suddenly he lets go of me. Before I know what is happening, he moves toward Eric and punches him hard in the face. Eric tries to retaliate but Alex is too strong for him.

"Alex! Let him go!" I shout running after him.

"Leave him, Alexander. We have to go." Mr. Gonzalez says in his calm voice.

I pull Alex away by the arm as Eric collapses on the floor. I remember how his dirty hands touched my body and I almost feel happy. Almost.

"Let's go." I say pulling him away.

He puts his arm around me and we walk out of the front door, his dad leading the way. I notice the stars out in the sky. It awes me how familiar the sky looks. I feel nostalgic as I remember the night sky of London. I shrug the thought away and focus on the present. A small van is parked right in front of the door. Alex's dad leads us to the back of it and let us in while he moves to the front and starts up the engine.

It is almost too easy an escape. I smell suspicion in the air but I cannot be bothered by it at the moment. I am back by Alex's side and glad that he is alright even though he is covered in bruises. According to Eric, he was on the verge of dying, that asshole.

I lean into him and he puts his arm around me, pressing his lips to my temple. I feel his hot breath on my cheek as he pulls away and I can't help but think of Eric and what he did to me for the past few days. A tear rolls down my swollen face even though I try my best not to cry. He squeezes me tighter and whispers, "It's alright. We are safe now."

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