Ch. 4 | My Guardian

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"Nah-ah! Not even this world's largest Titan could get me to stay!"

Iris angrily stumbled across the woods, her mood scared yet furious. It had only been just half an hour since they encountered Lockdown... and the whole team had already split up because of the humans. Iris especially with Praxina, but the separation had just kind of happened. Now they knew what was up ahead coming, and their future didn't seem kind of 'lighted up'. 

"Iris, please--" Optimus followed quite easily after the small human of his, pushing aside the incoming trees while he tried to keep up with the cursing female.

"Optimus, don't even try." Iris stopped. Her eyes soon met up his, still holding that hesitance in her eyes. "Didn't you notice what happened back then? Firstly Praxina tried to kill me, but then like out of nowhere came this 'bounty-hunter' collecting these jewels and more importantly; our heads!" She spit, continuing her way. Optimus only sighed. And followed. "Besides if that suit is somekind of part of our 'transformation'... you could've warned me."

"Being your Guardian is very important to me... but it would be against the rules to tell you everything." Optimus begun, earning slight glance back. "You need to learn yourself, Iris... even if the tempation would be both sided."

"Is here even rules?" Iris sighed, giving up by the try to run away from the big bot as she slumped on her knees. Now Optimus kept little distant for the puny human, giving her time to adabt. "... No way out?"

Optimus blinked.

"I'm afraid not."

"No freedom to choose?"

"You've been chosen for reason."

Kill me.

"... And you're my Guardian?"

"Affirmative." Optimus realized these were questions of defense, so his body lowered on the stage of Iris'. The girl did glance once back and down of his body, sighing yet again. "I kind of resemble a mentor also, I will be teaching you a thing and two along our way."

"Please, just... I'll call you my friend." Iris pleaded, holding her hands up. Optimus gave a nod, unsure how to reply onto her statement. "... Will I ever be able to go home?"

The former Prime looked to see maybe the saddest frown of Iris', as she looked into the distance. This was  a question even Optimus didn't have an answer, as he shared the moment with her by looking where she did. Into nothingess.

"In time, Iris. I believe Primus has desided everyones fate very wisely. He is a person no one should underestimate. No one."

"You talk of him so bravely... but I know nothing about this 'Primus'." Iris had a fair point, as she glanced up at Optimus again. "Care to tell?"

"If you deside to trust me on this... and come back with me?" This was a demand. Even Iris froze just little, standing briefly up on her feet to grab hold of her hips.

"Was that a question... or offensive way to ask a lady like me to accompany you?" Iris explored his faceplate more, smiling inchly to see Optimus do same.

"Will you do the honor; Iris Willson, to join me on our forming adventure of life-time, and never leave my side no matter the cost?" This was though to be hilarious.

How in the hel-- he knows my name?

"Sounds like we're getting married." Iris chuckled, but for Optimus' surprise she came forward and grabbed his digit gently, shaking it. "Well, then Optimus-former-Prime, you have my word." There was a huge glimm in those unique optics of his. "In the end the encounter with Lockdown wasn't so bad... but it somehow awakened my inner fighting-spirit!" Iris kicked the air, showing some of her own moves. "I have a chicken plucked up with him... and I most certainly believe Praxina's in too."

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