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Killian's POV

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Killian's POV

"What the fuck is in this anyway?" Sarah groaned, as she tried to drag the heavy suitcase out of the car and into the parking garage.

"A bit of everything." I shrugged. I had offered to carry it but Sarah was always like that. She liked doing things like this for me and even though I was perfectly capable, I let her.

It was too much effort to try and stop her anyways.

"Are you staying for a few months or a few years, Killian?" She groaned again. I offered her another forced smile as we started making our way up to her apartment.

Thankfully, the elevator at Sarah's apartment was actually working for a change. I recalled the last time I had visited Sarah. It had been a little over a year ago, and it took us half an hour at least to get the bags up to her 10th floor.

This time I had brought just a few extra things since my stay here was going to be longer than expected...

That and I needed something to keep me busy since I found New York City to be incredibly annoying.

Sarah's home was exactly how I had left it a year ago, but that was just who she was.

She didn't like change. I didn't like change. We understood each other.

Her home looked just like what you'd expect a cop's would. Everything was meticulously set into place, and I already knew I'd find a towel and some soap laying on the guest bed before I even stepped foot in it.

Sarah was always mentioning how different we were, yet her actions told a different story. I think she was afraid to have something in common with me. Afraid to be like me.

"So I have something to tell you that you most definitely will not like." Sarah started. She tried to set the suitcase on my bed, and opted for the floor after many attempts to lift it up. I got that slight warm feeling I usually got in my chest when Sarah did something ridiculous like that.

Something inside me, a very small part but a part nonetheless, reminded me of how I kinda missed that feeling. I couldn't remember the last time I felt anything but annoyance and irritation towards anyone.

"What is it?" I asked, as I began to rearrange the room to my liking. That was just one of the few things I didn't mind about Sarah, she left me alone to shift everything in the guest room to the way I saw fit.

"I may or may not have mentioned your existence to my partner and he's now hellbent on prying into my personal life. He's arranged some kind of get together next week here."

"You have a partner?" I asked, my eyebrows raised slightly in confusion and intrigue. Sarah had always worked better alone.

But then again, she was never alone. She had me.

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