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James's POVWe laid like that for hours

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James's POV
We laid like that for hours.

His head rested against my arm as I held him close to me. He was deep in slumber by now, but I stayed awake to watch him sleep.

How could someone be so unimaginably perfect?

Every time my mind wandered back to what we had just done, I couldn't help but get aroused. I wanted to do that with Killian every night for the rest of my entire existence.

I couldn't even remember when he had drifted off to sleep, but I could tell I had worn him out completely. I'd never seen him so tired. He barely had any energy left to clean himself up so I happily took care of that for him.

I had decided that I would clean him properly in the morning before his memorial service.

He stirred slightly in my arms now, mumbling something I couldn't understand. There was sweat dripping down the sides of his face and I sat up slightly in worry.

"No... no..." he murmured softly against me.

His eyes shot open moments later. They were completely filled with fear. "Killian." I whispered gently, and as if just those words had brought him back to me, his eyes slowly drifted closed again.

"I'm sorry." He murmured into my chest. I gently ran my hands through his hair, placing soft kisses on his forehead. I thought he had drifted back to sleep, but his voice called out to me moments later. "James?" He whispered.

"Yes, Kil?" I asked.

"Will you come with me to the memorial tomorrow?"he mumbled. A small smile rugged at my lips.

"Of course. Now go back to sleep, baby. We'll talk about this in the morning." I whispered back. He cuddled himself further into me.

Sleep found us both shortly after.


We both woke up late as fuck.

"Shit!" Killian hissed, as his eyes focused in on the time his phone read. He had moved to sit up, but during the night, we sort of rolled over to the edge of the bed.

So when he tried rolling out of my arms, he really just fell off the bed.

"Ow." He groaned. That woke me up instantly.

"You okay?" I asked him, trying to wipe the sleep from my eyes. He pointed to his phone which now read 10:46am. It was accompanied by 16 missed calls from Sarah.

"Shit!" I followed in suit as both Killian sprung into action. I couldn't help but smile as he had some trouble with moving around due to our extracurricular activities the night before.


"We are gathered here in loving memory of Louise Korsakov. The people she touched, and the torches she lit ablaze with her unconfined personality, will forever touch and cherish those she held dear to her. We are grateful to be joined today by not only her AA group, but her very own son. We've come here to honor and treasure the life she had, and keep in remembrance how she lived, not how she died.

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