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I could definitely feel the liquor taking over now

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I could definitely feel the liquor taking over now.

This girl, Amy I think she said her name was, had started showing me a few moves on the dance floor. She let out a powerful laugh as I tried to imitate whatever it was she was showing me. We finally opted out for me just swaying as she danced in front.

A few guys approached her but she just as easily shot them down. She didn't seem to care for the handsy types, and I did my best to shield her from the drunks that were stumbling into people.

I felt someone behind me, as a hand placed itself against my waist.

I quickly shuffled forward and out of his grasp. "No thanks." I mumbled.

It was a guy I definitely didn't recognize. He was sort of falling forward, clearly far too gone to register what he was doing as he advanced me.

Before he could touch me again, he was jerked back violently by someone else.

"Kid said no." James shot at the guy, who after seeing just how large James was in comparison, slowly started to back away.

"My bad, man." He mumbled, sobering up slightly as he disappeared back into the crowd.

"James?" I asked.


I was now at the point of drunk where I began to slur my words.

James was standing before me in a loose fitted work button down shirt and some work pants. His hair was still slightly damp from a shower, so it was darker than the lighter blonde I was used to.

"Hey. Sarah sent me to come get you after you didn't reply to her last text." He spoke.

This was probably the longest eye contact I had held with him ever. His eyes seemed so intense tonight. Where they always this blue? I asked myself. Maybe the dark hair made it seem even more intense than usual.

"Are you ggoing kareokeeying witth uss?" I asked. I wasn't even sure what I was saying anymore but I was silently hoping it made some sense. Words were getting more and more difficult tonight.

"He's had a few too many Coke and rum's, but what he meant was me and some friends are heading to a karaoke bar across the street. Did you want to join us?" Amy asked.

James's POV
I quite literally couldn't peel my eyes away from Killian's, even as the short blonde besides him spoke to me. Tonight, they were the opposite of how dead they usually looked.

Killian was wearing this dress shirt and dress pants that were far from Killian's style, I almost didn't recognize him in the crowd. He looked incredibly handsome tonight.

His eye lids seemed a little heavy and he was definitely slurring some words now.

I still couldn't get over the fact that I was looking at a drunk Killian.

But tonight... he never looked more alive.

"I think we should probably get him home." I replied to the blonde. Killian pouted at my response and my eyes unintentionally glanced down at his lips. They looked a little swollen, sort of like Sarah's whenever she bit them whilst deep in thought.

"Can we go for a little bit?" He asked.

And I swear I had every intention of saying no...

But those fucking eyes were doing me in. My lips betrayed me as the words yes left them.

"Only for a few minutes, then I'm taking you home. No questions asked." I added. He gave me an eager nod and a small smile, and for the first time ever, the smile was genuine.
I stood there just staring...

And I knew I was staring hard.

But I couldn't help it.

The blonde girl had a large smile on her lips as well as she started to usher us out the back door of the club. Killian stumbled forward, but I caught him with an arm around his waist. His cheeks were getting rosy now.

I thanked the lord that the karaoke bar was actually just down a block. Killian was having a harder than average time trying to make it down the street, but he was still doing pretty well for being this wasted.

I actually knew this area of downtown considering I only lived a few blocks from here. When Sarah had texted me to go and get Killian, I was just making it out of the shower.

Sarah had been stuck with a witness at the station, otherwise she would of come for him herself. But Im sure if she saw Killian like this, all she'd do is worry, so I was glad I was the one to get him.

Something told me this was his first time getting drunk ever.

How did they even make it into this club anyways?

Killian and Amy I think she said her name was, was chatting up a storm a little ways in front of me. We were accompanied by two of Amy's friends. They looked like a couple judging by the blatant making out they were doing every chance they got.

I was too distracted by Killian and Amy to notice them much at all. Did Killian like her? I mean she was definitely gorgeous... and these were the most words I'd seen him speak with anyone since his arrival in New York.

He did trip over his own feet occasionally as we made our way to the karaoke bar.

So it very well could of been the liquor.

We finally reached the entrance of the bar, and followed Amy in. The welcomer walked us through to a vacant room that already had a few liquor bottles and beers placed neatly on the table. We all took seats on the rounded couches as Amy set up the karaoke mic and screen.

"Alright guys it's all set. Since it's Killian's first time out to this sorta thing, I think it's only fair you grace us with your voice." Amy announced.

Killian nodded, pushing himself off the couch to approach the mic stand.

"See anything you like?" Amy asked. I noticed him pull his bottom lip up in between his teeth. I was almost entranced by this motion.

"I think I've got something here." He finally nodded.

I noticed the song almost instantly.

It was Savin Me, by Nickelback.

It was Savin Me, by Nickelback

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