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Killian's POV"I can't believe you did that!" Rosie shot out, tumbling backwards and off my bed

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Killian's POV
"I can't believe you did that!" Rosie shot out, tumbling backwards and off my bed.

"First of all, it was your fault for leaving me all alone at the bar." I reminded her. She averted her gaze shyly.

"I'm sorry, Killian. I went to grab you before close but the bartender said some handsome blonde came for you! Soiassumedsarahsentjamesandyouwereok!" She rushed out that last part. I gave her a shrug.

"Are you back with that douchebag?" I asked. She gave me a firm no.

"I left for a literal second to freshen up and this asshole was already flirting with another girl who, should I just say, had totally fake tits. Anyways, we got into an all out argument by the bathrooms and I threw my drink in his face and stormed back to the bar to find you but the bartender said you left so I ended up waiting for the bartender to get off his shift so I could fuck him instead." Rosie finished. I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Well that was quite... adventurous." I finally spoke.

"I don't think I've once ever heard you use the word adventurous. This is usually when you tell me to use protection or get tested or something insensitive. What's happening to my inconsiderate asshole of a friend?" She cried out.

I gave her an eye roll.

"And a legitimate eye roll? Oh my god who has hijacked you Killian?"

"First of all, you should definitely still get tested after any unprotected sex. Birth control doesn't save you from sexually transmitted diseases-"

"Never mind, there's the Killian I know." Rosie sighed. "I thought throwing up outside of James apartment then ending up in his bed the next morning had to of changed you."

"Well there was one other thing that happened last night." I sort of mumbled. Rosie's eyes all but popped out of her socket.

"There's more?!"

I gave her a nod. "I think I kinda sorta almost kissed James."

Rosie accidentally fell off my bed again.

"You did what? Ohmygodohmygodohmygod did he almost kiss you back?! I need details Killian, details!"

"I-I'm not sure. He leant in a little bit that was when I pulled away to puke into the bushes." I explained Rosie visibly face palmed.

"You were so close! Yet so far away..." she whispered to herself.

I think I broke Rosie.

"Well, did you want to kiss him?" She asked finally. I bit my lip, thinking. In that moment, I did.

"I think I wanted to try it." I replied.

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