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James's POV

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James's POV

I glanced over at Sarah once again. She had the same goofy smile plastered on her face. The first hour into filing, I had let it go, but now I had to know what had her in such high spirits at 2 o'clock in the morning as we sat here alone doing paper work in the precinct.

"What's got you in a good mood? I'm guessing your brothers return went well?" She nodded back to me.

"I don't know what it is. Its like every time he's home he sends me into a fit of worry, but then it just dawns on me that the kids really gunna be alright, ya know?" I gave her a smile.

I'd never really seen her like this before. I'd never really seen her care for someone like this before. I now felt a serious urge to meet her brother.

"Of course he's going to be alright. He's got years ahead of him to figure it out."

She chuckled lightly to herself at my response. "That's just the thing. I can't decipher between whether I'm trying to figure his life out or whether he's figuring out mine. He's only been here for a few hours but within that time, I already feel like a better detective. I can't figure out who's changing who anymore."

Fascination began to build up inside me. The only love I'd ever seen Sarah express was the one for this job.

We'd only been partners for about a year, but just as I started to think I knew her, it turns out I really didn't.

Sarah was beautiful. Truly truly beautiful, there was no doubt about it. I had tried every advance in the book to try and get her out at least for coffee, but the only coffee we shared was ones where we were in the precinct or out at a crime scene.

Some days I seriously considered her to be a lesbian.

Why were all the pretty ones never straight?

Then again, men were trash.

"Shit!" She hissed, rummaging through, and mixing up the countless paper work on her side of the double desk.

"What is it?"

"I completely forgot the paperwork for this last case at home. Shitttt." She groaned, running her hands through her already perfectly messy hair.

"I can run and grab them for you?" I offered but she quickly shook her head.

"I'll call Killian, no worries. He's home right now."

"But its also almost 3 in the morning, Sarah..." I replied, as I checked the time on my computer screen for the umpteenth time tonight. It felt like time just kept running and we were nowhere closer to getting done.

"He doesn't really sleep too well. He's most likely reading or playing online chess." She explained. My mouth formed a small o as nodded back to her. He wasn't sleeping well? I had to kind of ask myself why I cared so much already about the kid. I hadn't even met him yet.

"Hey kil-" Sarah spoke into the phone, but was cut off by the voice on the other end. "Yes those- how did you- never mind yes, can you bring-... you're almost here?" She asked suddenly. That took me by surprise.

"He's almost he-" I started, but Sarah shushed me.

"Okay perfect thank you yes, just bring them in and you can make some tea here. I forgot to get a few boxes for you, I'm sorry... See you soon." She added before ending the call.

"He's on his way?" I repeated.

"Yeah," she smiled, "he noticed the files on the table. He said he was waiting on my call tonight while he did some studying."

A smile started to grow on my face as well. I thought it was actually pretty sweet of the kid. He must really love his sister.

"He also called me a good for nothing imbecile for forgetting in the first place." She added.

Right right.


It didn't take long at all for us to hear the precinct doors open. There was only a few police officers on duty tonight since most had taken it off to celebrate another successful case... so we had been left alone with the paperwork.

Anyone was welcome to walk into the main lobby at any hours of the day, but usually the on duty uniforms would handle it. It felt weird being here so late into the night.

"Kil!" Sarah smiled suddenly as she looked up past me. I turned towards where the entry into the main lobby was, and connected eyes with a man standing just a few feet away from me.

Had I herd him approach? I thought to myself.

Once my eyes caught his, I all but fell out of my desk chair.

See what I had envisioned was some scrawny nerdy gamer in a private school uniform with some anti social problems he needed to work out.

What I got, and was looking into the eyes of, was an entirely different man.

What I got, and was looking into the eyes of, was an entirely different man

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