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James's POV

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James's POV

"How's the kid?" I asked Sarah as we walked deeper down the forest trail towards the crime scene.

"He's doing okay. Still battling this cold but the doctor said its nothing serious. He just takes longer than most to get better."

"You called a doctor over a cold?" I asked her. I swear she was a whole different person when it came to Killian.

She looked away bashfully. "I was concerned, okay." I chuckled at that.

"You're so protective over him." Her eyes looked away again but this time, I could feel the mood shift to something more somber.

"He's had a pretty rough childhood." She whispered. I hesitated for a second, tempted... Then I just nodded. Something told me it wasn't her place to tell me this story, and it wasn't mine to pry. "Stevenson." Sarah greeted one of the officers on site as he approached us.

"Morning O'Hara, morning Conway." Stevenson nodded.

"What's it looking like?" She asked. We approached the two bodies that were laying on the floor with a gunshot to both heads.

"Definitely double homicide. Weird thing is, we can't figure out who they are. No ID, no badges, nothing."

"That is odd." I nodded to Stevenson. We both handed him the coffees in our hands like usual, before we got to work.


I started the slightly long drive home.

Sarah and I had spent most of the day processing the case information and following up on any lead we could find. I felt like we had worked for years yet the clock read 10pm on my SUV's dashboard.

It was another slightly chilly night tonight. My original plan was to head straight home, but as I passed a few restaurants, I unconsciously slowed my vehicle. There was a soup spot on the corner of the upcoming street and I pulled my car in.

The only thought I had in mind was the thought of Killian.

I couldn't pinpoint why this was affecting me so much. I barely knew the kid, but that didn't stop me from purchasing a full bowl of the deliciously smelling chicken noodle soup the cashier had convinced me was the greatest thing they made.

I felt myself smile. There was just something about him that demanded my attention.


"James?" Sarah asked confusingly as she opened her apartment door further to let me in.

"Hey sorry, I know it's getting late." I replied, setting the bag I was holding on the dining room table by the door. "I just came to drop off some soup for you and Killian. The lady at the register said it was a blessing for colds."

A smile slowly spread across Sarah's face. I hadn't even noticed she was in a night gown until now. This woman was seriously gorgeous in anything she wore, but her in this particular slip warranted at least a once over.

"Thanks James, that's so kind of you. Killian is in his room across the hall if you want to bring this to him for me." She offered, handing me back one of the soup cups and a spoon. "I'm just doing a mandatory online training course but once I finish up, we can talk a bit."

I gave her a nod and slowly made my way down the corridor.

This was my very first time seeing Sarah's home. The employee downstairs had directed me to her apartment number since I didn't even have that information.

We had originally planned to come here to celebrate with a few other cops but after Killian caught this cold, Sarah thought it was best we head to a bar instead.

Everything looked much more simpler than I assumed it would. She had very modern furniture with barely any decorations.

As I neared the room, I could hear calming music playing. It was nothing I recognized, but it sounded beautiful.

I knocked lightly on the door and it only took seconds before the music was shut off, and the door was opened.

Killian stood before me, wearing a loose fitted Princeton shirt and some nike joggers. His nose was a bright and slightly irritated pink, most likely from blowing it excessively. The bags under his eyes looked even darker if that was possible. He seemed startled, then slightly confused as his eyes found mine.

"Hey." I smiled.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in return.

"I brought you some soup." He glanced down at the soup container and spoon in my hand before stepping aside to let me in.

"You didn't have to." He stated simply.

"I wanted to." I replied, as I set the cup down on his dresser. His room was quite large, and much more personalized than the rest of the home. There were textbooks piled high on the floor next to his bed, along with two microscopes. I wasn't sure what I expected, but this looked about right.

"Thanks." He nodded. He didn't say much more after that. I started aimlessly wandering around his room until I spotted a framed picture that was propped up against his lamp. I had to crouch down to see it properly since everything sat low in his room, including his bed side table.

I almost didn't recognize Killian. I wouldn't of if it wasn't for those eyes.

He was smiling. Genuinely smiling.

He couldn't of been more than 8 or 9 years old, and at that time, his hair was much lighter.

The picture was taken at the beach. There was a woman and a man that stood besides the two of them. The woman and man looked to be in their 40's and they too had the largest smiles on their faces. The woman looked almost identical to Sarah.

"Are these your parents?" I asked Killian. He started to nod, then stopped abruptly.

"Not my biological, no. Those are Sarah's parents. This was the year they adopted me." Killian explained.

My fingers loosened their grip on the frame, causing me to almost drop the picture. I mean, Killian did look different, but being adopted hadn't once cross my mind.

It sort of made sense now though... Why Sarah was so protective. My mind traveled back to what she had said earlier though, about him having a rough childhood.

"You were adopted." I said to myself as my fingers traced the frame of the picture.

"Yes. My parents were long gone by that time."

There was a pain inside me. I couldn't shake it as I thought of a young Killian being alone. Sarah had said it was just her and Killian now. Had her parents passed too? So much death, I thought to myself...

"I guess it tends to follow me." He replied. I was startled by his reply... I hadn't thought I said that out loud.

There was a profusion of sadness in his voice as he spoke.

There was a profusion of sadness in his voice as he spoke

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