The Confession

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After some time thinking, you came to your senses. You decided to tell the paladins about your relationship with Lotor.

Everyone gathers around and sits on the couch. "So (Y/N) What did you want to tell us?" The Black Paladin asked.
You smiled as you look at lotor and hold his hand. "Lotor and I are dating. Almost the whole team gasps in shock expect for Keith and Lance. Something had switched in Shiro's eyes. Almost like he is not himself.

Shiro quickly grabs his bayard and forms it into a gun and aims in at you. Everyone tries to stop shiro but he pushed them out the way. A huge balst is heard as you close your eyes getting ready for the impact. Instead you open your eyes to see your lover on the floor and shiro in chains being locked away.

You start to breath heavily not knowing what just happened or what is going on. You start to feel the whole room spining soon everything becomes black and tainted.

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