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This is what I hear everyday as I walk down the crowded hallway. Yes it hurt at first. I have the scars on my wrist to prove it. But now I'm just used to it. People glare at me as I walk past.

As you've probably guessed, I'm not popular at all. I have no idea why people hate me because I'm usually that girl that sits at the back of the classroom and keeps quiet.

I have no friends. I'm all alone and I hate it. I know I'm not beautiful like most of the girls in my class. I haven't got those curves that boys drool over or that thigh gap.

I keep my head down, so my long brown locks cover my face, as I swiftly make my way across the hallway ready to take on all the comments and glares from everyone.

"Stupid bitch"

"Just kill yourself already"

Ok, that last one hurt. I take a deep breath and try and stop the tears from spilling. These people don't deserve the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

Now I am practically running to get to the bathroom and be alone for just 5 minutes. However, like always, that never happens.

I am suddenly tripped over someone's foot. I tumble to the floor in a heap. My books, that
I was carrying, are now sprawled all over the floor. I use my hands to push myself up off the floor to get a glimpse of who had done this to me.
However I am not surprised when I see the all too familiar sapphire blue eyes staring at me in amusement.

"Awww look Missy! She's crying!" Jamie says as she walks up behind Missy.

Jamie and Missy. They are the typical high school bitches you see in those American movies.

I turn my face away from them, hoping they would not see anymore of the tears that were now uncontrollably trickling down my face.

However my plan fails me again as usual as I feel two fingers yank my face up. I am met by a pair of undeniably beautiful emerald green eyes. His curly blonde locks, that I just want to feel between my fingers, fall over his face as he looks down on me.

However, he will never love me. He is just as cold and heartless as all the rest of them.

He also looks down on me with amusement shining through his perfectly sculptured face. Why do I like this cold and heartless beast so much?

"Enjoying the view darlin'" he says in his smooth, British accent while smirking.

I hadn't noticed that I was staring at him for so long. I quickly pull my face out between his fingers and blush. He chuckles at my reaction. I guess he is used to all of the attention he gets from the girls. I mean anyone with eyeballs would have a crush on Lucas frickin' Friar. How could you not love those chestnut curls?

"Awwww now she's blushing!" Jamie points out. This catches Missy's attention and she sends me daggers. I swear if looks could kill, I would already be dead. She slowly moves closer towards me as if I were her prey and she was the predator. I suck in a deep breath, knowing what was going to happen next.

"You stay the fuck away from him. Why would he give two shits about someone like you? You're just a waste of space in this world. Honestly I don't know why you were even born!" she shouted the last bit. Lucas did not even deny this which made things even worse.

At this point I was sobbing uncontrollably. After her little rant, she gave a look to Jamie and Lucas and I started to panic. I tried to heave myself up off the floor but I was pushed back down. I then received a blow to the stomach. I lost my breath for a second then I received another one. And again. I screamed and cried out in pain. All three of them were surrounding me. Each one kicking me continuously. It stopped hurting after a while and all the pain just became numb. Tears were pouring down my cheeks as I tried with all my strength to wriggle away. What kind of life is this?

All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball in a corner and be ignored by the whole world. A crowd had gathered to watch me being beaten up. I could make out a few of the faces but my eyes were blurry due to my continuous tears. I tasted the metallic of my blood as it came gushing out of my mouth. If they kept this up, I would die which actually didn't sound that bad at the moment. At least this miserable life would be over.

They took me coughing up blood as a cue to stop and after one last kick from Missy, they were gone, leaving me all alone covered in blood and bruises on the floor. The crowd of people soon grew bored and started to walk on to class not caring about the beaten up and bloodied girl on the floor. I slumped on to the floor not caring about class now. My whole body felt weak and all the kicks to my stomach made me feel sick.

This happened everyday to me. The teachers didn't even care anymore. Nobody in this damned world care about me. I have no parents, no family and no friends who could care about me. I'm nobody and I don't deserve to live.

However I can honestly say that I HATE Missy and her little gang and one day I will make them feel the pain they made me feel. I swear it.

I make my way off of the cramped aeroplane. Honestly, I hate those things. I really need to upgrade my seat next time. Also the food tastes like medicine, I mean who eats that?

I make my way down the narrow hallway in the airport to get to where my luggage was waiting for me. I yank out my passport from my back pocket so I can give it to the security guy. I grimace at the picture of me. I wish you were allowed to smile in those things. He nods his head and hands me back my passport and I quickly go and retrieve my luggage.

I walk towards the exit where all the taxies were.

We hope to see you again at London Heathrow Airport

I pull a face not only at the cheesy line but also at the fact I was back here again. I hadn't been back in London since high school. I shiver at the mere thought of high school. But over the last two years since I moved out of London, I had managed to grow stronger and change my look completely. The people from school won't even recognise me anymore which is exactly what I need in order fro my plans to work.

I swore to myself back in high school that I would make all of the people who caused me pain to suffer and that is exactly what I am going to do. And I will do it when they least expect it.

Watch out London.

The cat is back, and she is ready to pounce.



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