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He bites at my lip as we continue our kissing session. I travel my hands up his shirt and feels his toned body up and down. A groan of approval leaves his lips as I continue doing this causing me to smirk into the kiss. I felt sparks run all through my body as he licks at my lip begging for an entrance which I all too happily give to him. I teasingly guide my hand down dangerously close to his crotch as he hums in response.


I quickly pull away from the kiss before it got any more heated causing anger to shine though his eyes.

“What the fuck?” he asks angrily. I shake my head at him.

“I-I have to go.” Is all I say before running, and I mean RUNNUNG, away from him in the direction of Dan’s house.

I can’t believe I actually felt something in that kiss. What’s happening to me?! I feel warm tears run down my face as I run. Why am I crying?! I angrily wipe them away as I turn around to see if he is following me. It looks all clear so I stop running and rub at my eyes preventing any more tears from spilling.

I don’t want to love this monster again. He hasn’t even given me a reason to love him and yet I still do.


I start to sob as I draw nearer to Dan’s house. Maybe this revenge thing isn’t quite as easy as I hoped it would be. I huff to myself in attempt to release the last of my tears before approaching the house. Dan cannot know that I’ve been crying. I don’t want his sympathy or worry. I just need him to recover quickly. Although it would be nice to talk to someone about my problems. But I know very well I can’t.

After ridding myself of all of my tears I enter the house as Dan gave me the key to his house and told me I could visit whenever I want.

The door slowly creaks open as I enter and I kick it shut as I attempt to find the stairs.

As soon as I reach Dan’s room at the top of the stairs and open his door, I hear a high pitched voice shout.

“YOU FUCKING WHOREY LITTLE SLUT!” I am suddenly slammed into the ground and I feel someone sitting on top of me. I whimper in pain as my body come into contact with the ground.

What in fuck’s name has happened now?!

I tilt my head upright to see no other than Jamie on top of me with a SERIOUSY pissed off look on her face. She slowly brings her hand up and curls her fingers together forming a firm fist. She quickly throws all of her weight down onto that fist and punches me on my right cheek. Well at least it was the other cheek and not the one where Lucas and Missy slapped me. I groan in pain as soon as the fist comes in contact with my face. That was sure going to leave a lovely bruise in the morning. But she didn’t just stop there.

“Why” *punch*

“The” *punch*


“Did you” *punch*

“MY BOYFRIEND?!”*punch*

By the time she was finished, my whole face felt swollen and numb and I was crying again. I did not come here to be punched in the face again otherwise I might as well have stayed in high school here. Jamie only smirked at my weak state but soon regained all of her anger and grasped me by the shoulders and yanked me up causing me to look her directly in the eye.

“WHAT DID I JUST SAY?! ANSWER ME WHEN I ASK YOU SOMETHING BITCH!” She howls causing me to cry harder. Why was I being such a pussy?! FIGHT BACK MAYA!

I feel a surge of strength and confidence within me and ignoring her comment, I flip us both over so now I am suddenly on top. In this small second I have I notice that Dan is not even in the room. Where the fuck is he? Jamie probably kicked him out…of his own house? I don’t know however I ignore this for the time being and focus on the situation at hand. I look down at Jamie with triumph written on my face before I let myself go and begin to punch her back just as hard.

“Your” *punch*

“Boyfriend”*punch *

“Flirted with”*punch*


“First bitch!” I give her one last punch before looking down on her pain filled face with a smirk on my face.

Suddenly out of nowhere she bursts out laughing. Daffuq?! Even in pain, she still manages to laugh.

“You punch like a pussy!” she says in between her laughter.

“Yeah that explains the bruises all over your face then!” I shoot back sarcastically. Seriously WTF? She only continues to laugh causing my anger to rise again. I punch her again. And again. And again.

However, just as I was about to throw my last punch to knock her out cold, I heard a strong and unfamiliar voice come from downstairs.

“We know you are in here! Get the fuck downstairs and nobody will get hurt or die!” the manly voice shouts. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?! The voice causes Jamie to shoot up with a mixture of anger and fear written on her severely bruised face. Uh oh. If these guys terrified Jamie, they must be REALLY bad news.

I hear numerous heavy footsteps trudge up the stairs and stop directly outside Dan’s room.

“WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!” the voice shouts before barging into the room. I saw numerous guys enter the room. All of them looked extremely intimidating and held pissed off faces. But when they saw me on top of Jamie with clenched fists, they instantly froze and smirked.

“Well well well. What do we have here?” The guy with the same voice says. He is very tall and buff with tattoos all over his arms and neck however I noticed he had no piercing or in fact neither of the 5 men did. Weird. They all looked around the same age at Harry and his gang members. Were they part of the Rival gang?

“It looks like we interrupted a bitchfight dude.” The guy standing right to the leader says with a huge smirk on his face.

“Well we were looking for Dan, and Lucas and his little gang but Dan and Lucas little bitches will do nicely.” The leader says smugly. WOAHHH HOLD UP! I ain’t Lucas little bitch!! And how the hell did this guy know about me and Lucas anyways?! OMG they are part of the rival gang! This is SO not good! This is why Jamie is scared. I close my eyes in defeat. I guess this was how I was going to die. Good bye world…

“W-what are you guys gonna do with us?!” Jamie asks trying to be brave but it comes out differently. I have NEVER seen Jamie this vulnerable before…. WOW. Just WOW.

All of the gang members chuckle at Jamie’s failed attempts before the leader responds.

“Let’s just say I hope your little boyfriends come and save your asses." He says with a chuckle while motioning to his gang members. They all surrounded both Jamie and I in a circular formation. Each one holding a predatory look on their face.


All of the gang members turn to me holding smirks but I can see the sheer anger radiating out of them. I just said that out loud didn’t i? Fuck…

Even Jamie looks at me with a surprised look on her face. Yeah that’s right bitch, I have a mouth and I am not afraid use it. Oh wait I am. I am shitting myself right now…

“Well, looks like little princess here has a big mouth. Well we will have to sort that out right away won’t we boys?” the gang leader says while turning his gaze onto is fellow gang members. They all start to chuckle darkly while taking a step closer towards mine and Jamie’s trembling bodies.

The last thing I hear was the words from the gang leader.

“This may hurt just a teenie bit.” He says exaggerating the word “teenie”.

I suddenly felt a sharp blow to my head before everything went black…

Click here to check out my horrible story sabrinadiaries


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