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“Can all passengers for the 1:30 flight to California please go to gate 23 for boarding.” The woman on the intercom announced. I sigh as I lift off of the bench and begin the long walk to gate 23. I look out of the window to the side of me as I walk to distract myself. There were a row of planes all neatly lined up next to each other. I had always been fascinated with flying as a kid but I never had the opportunity to do so until I moved to Cali 2 years ago.

I look above me to read which gate I was currently at. 15. URGH. I have a long way to go yet.

I actually feel a little better after crying. Who knows, maybe it won’t be that bad. This might actually be a good thing and I can get my revenge on Lucas as I had promised myself.

Wow I’m such I hypocrite….

Do I love him or want him to suffer?


I jumped out of my car and rushed towards the Terminal 1 entrance. Once Zay had told me that Maya was moving back to California, I quickly searched the next flights for there and it ended up being at 1:30. I just hope I’m in the right place. I look at my phone to check the time. 1:15. Shit.

I ran towards the information desk and a small middle aged woman glared up at me. Normally I would have gotten pissed at her but now is not the time.

“Hi. What gate is for the 1:30 flight to California?” I ask quickly. She raises her eyebrows at me but checks her computer anyway.

“Gate 23.” She says getting back to whatever she was doing before. Ok then.

I quickly run inside the airport, completely ignoring the weird stares and glares I was receiving from security. I’m a gang leader. Security mean nothing to me.

Gate 17...18…19…20…21…22…23!

I could see it just up ahead. Lots of people were gathered around a small desk in front of the pathway to the plane. I ran towards it looked over everyone. Being tall always has its advantages.

And there she stood. Right at the front handing her ticket to the man behind the desk. Her back was turned so I could only see the top of her hair due to her short height.

I breathed a sigh of relief knowing I was in the right place. I need her back.

“Maya?!” I call.


I rummaged around my back pocket trying to find the damn ticket. Where was it?!

I pat my other pocket and breathed a sigh of relief as I yanked it out and handed it over to the man at the desk. He took one glance at me with his judgemental eyes but said nothing more. Dick…

“Maya?!” I jump as I hear the familiar voice call behind me. Shit….How did he find out? I give the man at the desk pleading eyes silently telling him to hurry up.

I really did not want to talk to Lucas right now. It would only make it harder for me. I look around the gate patiently waiting for the man to finish with whatever he was doing with my ticket, acting like I didn’t hear him.

I hear shuffling behind me but I choose to ignore it to. It’s not like he could get passed that massive crowd of people behind me.

“Boo.” I hear someone whisper in my ear. I jump in surprise again and whip around to be met with his angry green eyes. Fuck. I guess I underestimate the fact that he’s a gang leader.

“What?” I ask him blankly. He looks at me with a shocked expression.

“What do you mean ‘what’?” he asks angrily. “You’re leaving and you didn’t tell me goddamnit!” he adds in while slamming the palm of his hand on the desk. Oh he’s pissed.

“Here you go Miss.” The man looks up at me but then looks at Lucas with a weird expression. I smile at him with gratitude and take my ticket from him before turning to Lucas for the last time ever. Keep it up Maya!

“See ya Lucas!” I say casually giving him a mock salute before turning around and going through the doors to the pathway leading to the plane.

I let out a breath that apparently I was holding in. I did it. I should be relived.

Then why do I feel as if I had made the wrong decision?



I turned around and shoved through the crowd of people, give glares to the people that have me dirty looks. I am beyond furious right now so one tiny slip up someone does then I may just punch the living shit out of them.

How could I be so stupid as to have feelings for the girl I bullied?! Of course she was going to leave me! I angrily stomp off out of the airport as people backed away from me noticing the anger in my eyes.

Smart people.

However I do love the feeling of people fearing me. I small evil smirk forms on my face as I walk towards my car. I need something to distract me while getting my anger out at the same time and I have just the thing.

I need someone to fuck and chuck.

I need to get rid of her from my life for good.

But a feeling inside the pit of my stomach is telling me that I need to get her back.

But my brain is telling me that this was all a part of her revenge.

Why did she have to be so confusing?

Too often we don’t realize what we have until it’s gone. Too often we’re too stubborn to say “I’m sorry, I was wrong.” Too often It seems we hurt the ones closest to our hearts. And we let the most foolish things things tear us apart.


I watch the road as Lucas car comes into view but then drives off probably back to his house. The way he was driving looked like he was pissed. I know the boy too well.

I smile to myself. I knew it but I didn’t think it would work so well! After I had talked to Maya before she got in the taxi, I knew she didn’t want anyone to follow her hence why she was leaving in the first place. So when I told Lucas, I knew he would follow her and try to get her back without putting much thought into it. And I knew she would leave him like a silly lovesick puppy.

Now that I have finally broken them up, I can get to work on making Maya mine. After all, she was fated to be with me and not with Lucas.

I’m going to go to California and search for her and then I am going to watch over her until she has calmed down and gotten over Lucas a little more. Then I will make my move. She may not trust me yet but that will all soon change.

And poor little broken Lucas. What am I going to do with you? He kicked me out of the gang for what? Killing Riley and lying to him? People lie every day and I know for a fact that he has lied so many times its uncountable.

So that leaves me with 2 options of dealing with him…

I can either let him suffer his heartbreak and then potentially let him chase after Maya again.


I can kill him.

I wonder which one would be easier…

He deserves to die. It’s not like anyone is going to miss him anyway. The bastard kicked me out of the gang and stole Maya from me when he was the one who hurt her the most!

So, my decision is final.

I’m going to kill Lucas Friar and then have Maya all to myself.

Let’s just hope the ‘others’ don’t get to Maya first….



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