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My breath hitches in my throat as she aims the gun directly at me. What the fuck do I do?! She's going to kill me if I don't tell her who I really am! Yeah that's not going to happen so I need to find another way out of this mess without getting shot.

"Well?! Talk or die bitch!" She seethes impatiently. I have had it up to here with her! My anger rages inside of me. I have never hated someone so much in my entire life. I never thought I would say this EVER but this bitch needs to die. As harsh as it sounds. I need to get out my gun in my bra but it would be pointless getting it out now or we would just be pointing guns at each other. I need to get behind her somehow.

"Over my dead body." I whisper before LEGGING it out of the hallway straight into her living room. I hear multiple gunshots followed by a string of curses behind me. Shit! I need to hide now!

I frantically race around trying to find somewhere to go.

"Ohhhh Kity? Where are youuu?" Missy sang from somewhere behind me. Its Katy for fuck's sake! I hear heavy footsteps come closer and closer to the living room.

I quickly race over to the door in the far corner and shoved it open and ran through. I quietly closed the door behind me and breathed a sigh of relief. This should buy some time.

I honestly feel like I am in a horror movie right now. My heart is pounding like crazy and I feel like I am going to faint but I cannot give up now. She's pissed me off way too much to stop now!

I turn around and notice I am in her kitchen. Perfect! The door in front leads straight out into the hallway and I can easily get behind her then! I race over towards it and reach my hand into the front of my crop top and yank out the hidden gun. Thank Jesus I have this thing or I would be screwed!

I took a deep breath and opened the door ever so slightly just see if she was there. I peeked through and it looked all clear so I quietly slipped through and shut the door behind me.

"You are so dead when I find you!" I hear Missy yell extremely pissed off. She sounded like she was still in the living room so I tiptoed over towards it. I poked my head around the corner and saw the back of her facing towards the door which led into the kitchen. She clutched her gun tightly in her right hand with her index finger on the trigger.

I hold my own gun up towards me and shakily let out a deep breath. Could I do this. I mean yeah I really wanted her dead but I could never kill anyone no matter how much I hated them! Oh how I wish I could be as heartless as Lucas right now! It would make this so much easier on me.

Who am I kidding?! I can't kill her!

I keep my gun close to me as I slowly stalk up behind her. I hope she doesn't know I'm there! Please please please let this work!

As soon as I am standing directly behind her I freeze. What now?! I only have like a second left before she finds out I'm here!


Before I know it, I lift my hand with the gun in and use all of my force to bash it as hard as I can against the top of her head. She whimpers in pain and almost instantly falls on the floor in unconsciousness.

Holy mother of god! Did I just do that?! Wow….I feel kinda…good? I find myself smirking to myself as I let my hand drop from where I just hit her. She’s in a vulnerable state now…..I can do whatever I want with her! I quickly bend down and grasp her arm and pull her towards a metal pole in the corner of the living room. Wow I knocked her out good.

I take a deep breath as I lay her down beside it and get up to search for something to tie her up with. There’s nothing in the living room so I decide to search the whole house. I go into the kitchen but find nothing but old knives and food. I grasp a knife as I walk past. It could come in handy for later. I decide to go upstairs to see if I could find anything. I find myself in her room without thinking. I take a moment to look around. It was plain and the paint was peeling off the white walls. The room was a mess with hairbrushes and used bras on the floor. Ew.

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