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I hummed to myself as I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I slowly walked over to my clothes and quickly got changed. I strolled out of the bathroom only to see Lucas quietly sitting on my bed with a small smile on his face.

Ever since I got kidnapped 2 days ago, Lucas and I have become a lot closer. He’s been a lot nicer but still has that bad boy side to him and it’s HOT. I don’t know if that’s a bad thing or a good thing. I mean it’s good for my revenge plans but it is messing up my feelings for him. It seems every day, my feelings grow stronger for him and honestly…it’s scaring me.

Since I found out that Lucas and his gang and killed all of the Rivals in that building, I was kinda scared of him too…. I’m such a pussy.

I return the smile and walk up to him.

“Hey! What are you doing here? How did you get in my room?” I ask slightly confused. He chuckles at me.

“Babe, I’m a gang leader. I know how to pick locks.” He says still amused.

“I don’t know whether to be creeped out or fascinated.” I tease while crossing my arms over my chest. He raises his eyebrow at my comment as I slowly see a smile form on his face. A genuine smile with his dimples popping out. I really wanted to poke one of them but I felt a little awkward asking.

“Just go with fascinated for the time being love.” He replies while patting the empty space on the bed next to him. I give him a hesitant look.

“No funny business I know!” he says while holding up his hands but I could tell by his cheeky smirk he was making no promises. I roll my eyes before plopping down on the bed.

“What do you wanna do today love?” he asks genuinely. Wow this was a first. He’s never asked me what I wanted to do before.

I’m not stupid, I have questioned why he was suddenly being so nice to me before but I can only think of 2 explanations. He’s either EXTREMELY desperate to get in my pants or he genuinely has feelings for me. I reallyyy hoped it was the second one….for the revenge of course…I think.

“Errrmmm I uhh I don’t know. What do you want to do?” I shrug.

“I can think of a few things…” he says cheekily while winking at me. Perv.

“Not gonna happen Friar.” I say quickly. For some reason I felt like I was lying. I reeaalllyyy wanted to. GODDAMNIT! He pouted at me causing me to laugh at him before replying.

“How about we just stay here for the time being and go to Farkle's or something later on. To be honest I can’t be bothered to do anything today.” I say lazily.

“Sound good to me….” He says. “No funny business of course.” He says in a fake tone causing me to playfully slap him on the arm.

“Ouch. That actually really hurt!” he whines. I roll my eyes at his childish behaviour.

“Oh suck it up Friar! Honestly you are hardly acting like a badass gang leader.”

“Oh…so you think I’m badass huh?” he smirks at me.

“Oh shut it!” I playfully snap at him. I fall back on the bed landing on my back looking up at the ceiling. It goes quiet for a minute before he breaks the silence.

“Can I ask you something?” he asks curiously.

“Sure.” I nod my head.

“What does the “M” stand for on your necklace?” Shit…. I can’t tell him it stands for my name! I go blank for a moment. What the hell do I say?!

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