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new school.

first day of freshman year.

matt couldn't wait.

now, most people would've dreaded this day. but not matt.

he always found something positive even in the worst of moments, no matter what. that's just who he was. he loved life, even if it didn't treat him that well.

matt stood proudly in front of his closet mirror, a large grin spread across his face. he was wearing a white button-up flannel that was decorated with small black stars. he also had on ripped black jeans and hi-top converse.

the ginger walked downstairs, waving goodbye to his mother who sat at the kitchen table while grabbing his grey kanken backpack from the living room. he slung the straps over his shoulders and threw open the front door, taking a deep breath.

today's gonna be good.


matt held the small half sheet of paper in his hands, staring down at it in utter confusion. he analyzed his surroundings, eyebrows furrowing. "room 204..." he mumbled, heading forward and slipping easily through the crowd of students.

his shoes squeaked on the linoleum floor as he navigated through the hallways. the bell had already rung about five minutes ago, yet he was still searching. a couple more minutes passed before he found the door. matt smiled, shoving the paper into his back pocket and rubbing his hands together excitedly. here we go, matthew.

matt entered the room. all heads turned to him. some turned to confusion, others to curiosity. his sea-green eyes flicked around the room then settled on the teacher. she looked to be about forty-something.

"you must be matthew."

"that's me!" matt smiled lopsidedly. a few kids snickered at his childish tooth gap, though he paid no attention.

"your seat is in the back next to tord." she said, pointing to an empty desk at the back of the classroom.

matt turned on his heel, heading over to the student-less spot. he sat down on the chair and looked happily over at the kid next to him who seemed to be called tord.

this 'tord' character had messy honey-brown hair that formed up into two devilish horns. a galaxy of freckles was scattered across his cheeks and his dull green eyes immediately darted away from matt  to the floor. he wore blue jeans, beat up grey vans, and a black hoodie that had white pockets and a white hood.

"you're tord, right?" matt whispered, smiling at him.

tord gave him a small glance. he pulled his sleeves up to his palms, pursed his lips, and nodded.

"i like your name. i'm matt."

tord nodded again.

matt hummed thoughtfully, eyes sparkling. "do you talk much, tord?"

"not really.." tord mumbled, hunching his shoulders at matt's prying gaze.

"hm. well, i-"

"matthew! quiet!" the teacher snapped.

matt immediately shut his mouth and gave a sheepish smile. a couple kids shot glares at him. he held in a laugh and leaned back in his seat.

tord eyed him warily, hands now in his pockets. he already knew that matt and his excitable personality wouldn't be a good fit in this school.

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