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kissing matt was better than tord expected it to be.

his lips were a dream. sweet and sugary with a hint of strawberry gum. they were so soft and welcoming, as if telling tord, well, it took you long enough.

tord pulled away after a few heartbeats. he gazed up at matt. he kissed back were the only words that were being screamed in his mind. "i- i'm sorry!" he flinched, regretting his decision, but not really.

matt's confused expression soon broke off into one of joy. he wrapped his arms around tord's waist, pulling him into another short-and-sweet kiss, but this time there was a little more passion to it.

tord's face turned redder than it ever had before, one of his hands placed on matt's cheek. they eventually pulled away due to lack of air, each taking a couple breaths.

"you have no idea how long i've been waiting for you to do that," matt grinned, looking delighted.

"i've been waiting for me to do that, too," tord admitted, smiling up at him.

matt giggled and pressed his lips against tord's cheek, earning a purr from the shorter boy. "let's get out of here. it's cold."

"yeah," tord agreed, still in a slight daze as his heart fluttered lightly. "so, how do we get out?" that was when he noticed the confused look on matt's face. "..matt?"

"i don't know." matt suddenly said, as if just realizing it himself.

the moon was hidden behind a cluster of dark grey clouds and only a few stars speckled the sky. the forest surrounding them was dark and ominous, mysterious howls being heard. there was hardly any light.

tord held matt's hand, hoping he'd offer some comfort. both teen's eyes were wide and had expressions of fear.

"i- it's okay, we got this. we'll find a way out. right?" tord stammered, gazing up at his new boyfriend with desperation.

matt took a deep breath and forced a small smile on his face. "how could we not?" he laughed nervously. "umm- this way." he walked towards a random spot, holding tord's hand tightly.

all the trees look the same. tord thought with a bit of anxiety. he perked up as he got an idea. "do you have your phone?"

"i left it at home." matt gulped.

"..that's okay. i think i have mine." tord pulled out his phone from his back pocket, powering it on.

well, he tried.

he was met with a black screen and the signal for 'dead battery.' "oh, no."

matt looked down at it and shook his head to clear his mind. "everything will be fine. the lake is only about five minutes from the entrance, it can't be that hard to find, right?"


"okay, i think it's this way." matt murmured partly to himself, holding his other hand out in front of him to make sure he wouldn't run into anything. he walked semi-confidently back into the forest, blindly wandering around while pulling tord along with him.

tord could only manage to make out the faint outline of the trees as he followed matt, feeling his heart begin to pound even harder. "we're not leaving." he muttered.

matt turned to 'look' at him, eyes wide. he placed his hands on tord's shoulders in a reassuring way. "of course we are!" he exclaimed. he noticed the way tord's body trembled with anxiety, heart dropping to his stomach as he realized this was his own fault for dragging the norwegian along on this trip. "don't worry, tordsy, i promise we'll be fine."

"no." tord slowly shook his head. "matt, face it, you have no idea how we're getting out of here."

"well- i got lost last time i came here alone, and i made it out." matt lied to try to calm him. he winced as tord forcefully moved matt's hands off his shoulders.

"th- this is your fault," tord stuttered, voice wavering.


"no, stop, no. this is your fault, and we're both gonna die here!" tord's anxiety got the best of him, words tumbling out of his mouth as panic enveloped his brain and red alerts blared in his mind.

"the situation isn't that bad, tord!" matt insisted, a fearful edge to his voice. "believe me!"

"i shouldn't have fucking came with you!!" tord screamed, shoving matt backwards. the ginger yelped and stumbled back a few steps, eyes wide. "this- this is ridiculous!" he was so worked up that he couldn't realize his own overreaction. "you always drag me along on these stupid little adventures of yours- most of the time, i don't even want to! a- and you peer pressure me and get me in trouble! why are you like that!? why are you fucking like that!? i hate it, i hate that i let you be so persistent on becoming my friend!" tord balled his hair into a fist, breathing heavily. "and you're so annoying, too! god! why!? now we're lost and we're gonna die because of you!"

matt looked absolutely broken. he wasn't used to this feeling of weakness. he'd never been screamed at like this- at least, not this harshly. he was so accustomed to being happy and could always brush off the sarcastic or mocking remarks people made to him. but all the insults tord, out of all people, flung at him? it was too much.

hot tears slid down matt's freckled cheeks as he hugged himself. he couldn't control his heavy sobbing no matter how much he tried.

tord couldn't exactly see matt, but he heard the sniffles and the shaky breathing, eyes widening as he slapped a hand over his own mouth.

"matt, n- no, i didn't-"

matt caught tord by surprise by standing up, glaring at the faint silhouette of him. "if only you knew." he whispered before walking off again, arms crossed and shoulders hunched.

tord stood there, quiet and alone, listening to the rustling of the tree leaves. he felt so terribly guilty that he almost cried himself. instead of wallowing, he decided to follow the sound of matt's footsteps. every beat of his heart struck pain through him. i didn't mean it.

me and you {tordmatt}Where stories live. Discover now