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when matt walked into first period english that morning, tord nearly fell out of his chair. and that wasn't an exaggeration.

matt looked absolutely stunning.

and tord wasn't even gay. no, of course not! he was probably just jealous he couldn't bring himself to wear the stylish outfits matt could.

but he definitely wasn't gay.

matt wore a loose, silver knitted sweater that only allowed the tips of his purple-painted nails to be shown. black shorts hugged his hips perfectly; they clearly broke the 'below the fingertips' school rule. gold moon-shaped earrings dangled from his ears and a black and grey patterned flower crown sat atop his head royally. his shoes consisted of vans, the design being a galaxy. white socks reached up to his knees; the colors of the rainbow were printed on the top, circling around.

meanwhile, tord was wearing a red hoodie, old black jeans, and vans.

matt strolled over to his regular seat, sat down, and crossed his legs. "oh, hi tord!"

tord's mouth hung open while he continued to stare at matt for another good five seconds. he shook his head to rid of his trance and gulped. "yeah." he looked at his lap and nervously picked at his nails.

someone from the front of the class called out, "gay!!" everyone thought it was the funniest thing in the world as they laughed their asses off. the teacher shot them all a glare. matt giggled into his sleeve.

tord gave matt a sad, almost pitiful, look. "you know they're laughing at you, right?" he whispered.

matt smiled widely. his eyes sparkled with amusement. "of course i do! but why should i care? i am gay, after all."

tord stared at him again. he gave a small nod and focused on his lap once more. that explains a lot.

the bell rang. everyone quieted down and looked towards the front of the class.

"okay, class," the teacher stood in front of her desk. "take out your notebooks and open to page 27, where your assignment for last night was. it was to write a poem, in case some of you don't remember." she put emphasis on her last sentence, glaring at the kids who usually slacked off.

tord opened his notebook, flipping to the page where a short poem he wrote was. he glanced over at matt's, eyes widening when he saw the page was blank. he didn't think matt was one of those kids. "you.. didn't do it?" he asked quietly.

"nope!" matt smiled. "but that's okay. i can come up with poems just like that." he snapped his fingers, catching the attention of some people.

"tord, since you think it's a great time to be talking, why don't you go first?" the teacher cocked an eyebrow.

"i- i wasn't talking, miss." tord shrunk in his seat, face flushing to a dark red.

"do it anyway, larsin."

"yes ma'am." he whispered almost weakly. tord gently cleared his throat and stood up, shakily holding his notebook and staring at the words written sloppily in pencil. sweat beaded on his forehead as all eyes were now on him. this was all matt's fault! he began to read his poem:

"the way y- you smile at me
bright, confident, hopeful
you can't see
but i'm falling for you."

tord instantly sat back down. bouts of laughter came from different areas of the class. the tips of his ears burned red. suddenly the red hoodie he was wearing seemed like an oven. the only one who clapped was matt, making the matter worse. tord looked at the ginger male, shaking his head desperately. matt quieted down but gave him a large smile and thumbs up.

"alright. matthew, you're next. get up." she said, pointing at him with the end of her pen.

matt stood up and bowed elegantly, his crown precariously balancing on his head. "yes, m'lady."

"watch it." she rolled her eyes.

he picked up his notebook to pretend he'd actually done the work and gave tord a small smirk, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

tord looked away immediately, huffing under his breath.

"they say
there's nothing sweeter than a spoonful of honey
nothing better than the satisfying crunch of leaf under the soles of your favorite vans
they say a baby's first cry is the most beautiful thing
but you're standing right in front of me."

matt sat down again, smiling.

he came up with that right now? tord thought, widening his eyes.

"very good." the teacher gave him a nod of approval.

"did you like it?" matt grinned hopefully at tord.

in return, tord nodded, deciding not to say anything.

"thanks!" he reached out and patted tord's horns, causing the norwegian to flinch away and scowl, pulling his hood over his head. "you're like an angry cat." matt laughed.

tord crossed his arms, embarrassed beyond return. he hated today.


"bye." tord said to matt as they got out of the bus.

he started to walk in the direction of his house, a rush of relief washing through him.

that is, until matt grabbed him by the sleeve and tugged him back.

tord turned to look at the brit, sighing. "what?" he said irritably.

matt giggled. "someone's grumpy."

"no, i just- had a bad day, okay?"

"how could it be bad if i was with you the whole time?" matt grinned.

"that's-..." tord frowned, pink dusting his cheeks. "what?" he repeated.

"wanna come over to my house?" he asked.

"for what?" tord tugged his arm away from matt's grip.

"i don't know," matt shrugged softly. "my mom won't be home, and i'll be bored. you think we could bake cupcakes?"

"..i've never made them before." tord admitted, shuffling his feet and holding nervously onto the straps of his backpack.

"that's okay, i can teach you!" matt intertwined his fingers with tord's and dragged him off towards his house.

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